It has been apparent for some time that the local law enforcers in Sirius have been a little... diminished.
New recruits and old veterans alike have been seeking a new path in dealing with the unlawfuls that plague our systems, with little or no-holds-barred tactics that bring the demise of the worst in Liberty.
As a recruit displeased with the pay and help the military displayed to me, I chose to do something about it, and have made the choice to bring law to the unlawful! Vigilante Hunters was established to welcome pilots frustrated with the constraints of the law to do their part, and be rewarded of being involved with a close knit team dedicated in making sure our pilots fly with the best equipment available to them.
Our pilots are codenamed to the likes of deadly spiders, found in old scriptures of ancient Earth.
Please consider this when applying, as we will not accept any other name.
Our home base is in Manchester, Sheffield Station. Our IFF is Bounty Hunters.
Once again, I welcome you to the ~VH~ homepage and hope to see some recruits taking the challenge soon.
I am En. Clifford Bye, formerly a recruit of the Liberty Navy.
Unhappy with the support system with in the ranks of the Navy, I came about taking the law into my own hands.
Born in the New Australian colony on Planet New London, raised by my mother whilst my father was involved in the LSF as a special agent for many years til his demise onboard FP7 when it was destroyed in 800AS.
Flew many smaller craft in my teenage years, winning races around the Dublin circuit in his nimble Arrow. Applied to become a Gunboat Captain in the LNS but was rejected due to insubordination on a particular order to engage a Rheinland battleship on his own.
After leaving the dorms on Westpoint for the final time, I then invested my inheritance after my mother passed away when an attack on Leeds destroyed her township, and bought myself a civilian fighter. After engaging and destroying a Rogue fighter I got the taste for blood.
After meeting a couple other pilots eager to appease their hunger for justice, we officially formed the group Vigilante Hunters.
And from here, I introduce myself as En. Clifford Bye, leader of ~Vigilante Hunters~ and pilot of ~VH~Red.Back
I was raised in a foster home on Planet New London, after my parents were deemed MIA, escorting a transport ship carrying medical supplies to help those injured by the explosion on Freeport 7. Despite not knowing weather my parents were alive or not, I had a good life, although at that time I did not see it. I began to go off track when I became involved with what was considered 'the wrong crowd' and 'illegal activities' became a big part of my life. I was able to make people believe I was much older than my actual age of 15. Heavy make-up; illicit drugs; self harm and theft were how I spent my days, until I decided to take a more violent approach. My foster parents could not cope with my rebellious streak, and I was not making life any easier for my foster sister. It was her eighth birthday when my foster parents tried to send me to join the Bretonian armed forces, hoping I would turn my life around. As I did not think this was an appropriate life choice I decided to leave my home planet, and find my own way in the world.
I was in a bar, on Sheffield station, Manchester, where I now called home, while I was on my search for revenge. One quiet evening, while I was having a cigarette (A habit I admittedly picked up from being onboard the Junkers ship), a strange man walked up to the bar, I don't mean he was strange as he had five foot tentacles instead of arms, I mean he was strange as he did not seem to belong. As the weeks went on, this man whose name was Clifford, as I saw him around more often, and he spent more time in the bar and on the station and began to merge in with the rest of us. We eventually got talking about why we were on such a station, and discovered we both had similar ideals and ideas as to what a 'law enforcer' should be. It is because of this man I, Ebony, 18 years of age, now pilot a well equip ship, named after a deadly 'spider' from the ancient world scriptures, Black Widow, and I have the title of public relations for the Vigilante group he has created, Vigilante Hunters. It was this man, Clifford, who I became to know as Cliff, who took me under his wing and helped train me to become the fighter I am today.
I awoke in a hospital with no prior recollection of who I am. The doctor explained to me that I was a lucky survivor of the attack on Freeport 7. I am also told that according to my DNA sample that my father's name is Andrei Kyznetsov.
They tell me my name is Mikhail. After leaving the hospital with only a few pieces of the puzzle that is my life, I decided to search the archives for any information. I found no information on my father's name and could not find anything on my mother. I decided to pursue other sources of information; looking from system to system I will find out who I am....
On my travels I encountered a base in Manchester called Sheffield station where at the bar I ran into a Bounty hunter, who goes by the name Clifford Bye, and is the leader of a faction called 'Vigilante Hunters'.
After a few beers and a quiet smoke, the man decided to take me under his wing and let me join his faction. In return for working for him he would help me find information about myself. He set me up with a ship that is now named ~VH~Daddy.Longlegs. I feel proud to be a part of something and strive to exceed in any task I receive.
G'day, The names Barry and thats all you need to know.
For years now I have been working as an independent contractor, hauling freight throughout Liberty and the surrounding colonies. As anyone who knows the industry well could tell you, piracy is everywhere! Spreadding like a giant cancer across Sirius. Too many times I have been extorted, blackmail, robbed and have even been fired upon, whilst simply trying to do my job. It has to end. It has to end now!
The Police and Navy seems content to remain reactive to the current situation. I however see the need to proactively take the fight to the enemy! and to purge Sirius of all the filthy, scum sucking bottom feeders.
Whilst passing through Pennsylvania one evening, I met a man who calls himself Clifford and he told me of his cause. I expressed my eagerness to join the fight and now stand before you as a member of the ~Vigilante Hunters~
hello my name is tim whittall i was born on planet manhattan i was a very solo flying child i hung out with one person and got into petty crime i got arrested by the liberty navy for smuggling when i was 23
i did the odd mission for them too clear my fines and then i met a fellow named red.back and he sent me on a mission with an offer of a solid employment with a meaning that was worth following he hunts pirates and lawbreakers so i took his mission and brought him the required cargo and my name now is brown.recluse and am proud too be serving in the ~VH~ DOWN too pirates and lawbreakers
"Yea I guess this is it, I'm Alexander Cunningham, more of a high end molly and throw on the accent so people don't think I'm just some posh little pansy, Graduated from some fancy private school, took some fighting classes as a hobby but nothing really ever stuck, except archery."
"I'm about Twenty now I guess if this is 818 AS or am I nineteen. born into a rich Molly family who moved off to London after 'finding' there fortune, well I guess that settled well for them always said not to commit crimes, bloody hypocrites always there hand in the black market, anyway dearest daddy got him self napped by the Kusarians and my mother decided to split and leave her 'little' bundle of joy at home alone for a few weeks."
"After all the typical Molly family bull and all that jazz I met up with some joker called Red.. Back or some weird name, he seemed to like how I fight so -shrugs- appears now I'm one of these vigilantes."
"combat teaching person, Alexander Cunningham ~VH~White.Tail."
It is with most painful feeling that I sit down to impart to you the sad news that Barry, Captain of the ship ~VH~Huntsman has fallen. After saving my own life, and allowing Red.Back to escape with his excessively damaged ship, He took on the two skilled Corsair pilots who refused to let him flee the battle, to escape from these pilots and as what we assume was to prevent them from either capturing him, or killing him in battle, Barry flew his ship into the atmosphere of a planet. I can truly say that we have met a loss that we feel deeply, and he will be missed by all, as he was a respected pilot, and good friend to many. He rendered valuable service to all lawful pilots, and he will be remembered for this, as the brave young man he was.
name's chris.
after years ıf working in nearly everyjob beside from unlawfuls mostly like trading,police,navy,mining etc. pirates became the most hated people in space for me. While police or navy only operate within their zone of influence and other neutrel anti-pirate groups like bhg getting paid for it which i think it makes you a mercenary, doing a favor to the universe just for getting paid didnt seemed right to me.
after still more time , once trading I encountered a pirate bomber which wasnt very skillled becouse of his equipment my ship couldnt stand a chance... and thats when i saw VH.Well had to eject and get a new ship but the dammed guy died painfully thankts to the VH.
and thats when i decided to join.. and as the rest of the story im here in the VH ,hunting down unlawfuls. bringing justice...