In the simplest terms, the Green Hell is a series of 5 large caverns that are located near the bottom of Islay. It's considered a Guard Haven & is completely sequestered from the rest of the station.
When I started developing it in my RP over three years ago, I began at the bottom of the station & worked my way up. Since the Gaians are a poor & tiny faction living inside an icy rock, I started with thinking about the stations power generators first.
Gaians, being the ecos that they are, would most likely still be maintaining the original generators that were installed almost 80 years ago, & being poor, probably installed the cheapest station generators on the market at the time.
I picture them sitting at the very bottom of the station & are the Sirius equivalent of gigantic old-school steam-boilers....then I thought, "Gigantic steam boilers generate massive amounts of heat" so I imagined that the Gaians would probably leave a large buffer zone of rock between the generator level & the habitat level in order for the rising heat to naturally dissipate within the rocky area so that it would be easier to maintain climate control at the top where everyone lives & that the generator level would be uninhabitable and the maintenance men working down there would need to wear head-to-toe heat protective gear. I thought of the slogan "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen" & gave it the name "Hells Kitchen" in honor of a neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY
Then, I figured that in order to conserve energy, they would probably cycle them off & on a couple times a day, & if that were so, how would the rising heat affect the icy rock within that buffer zone? It would heat the ice within the rock into water during the times the genis were running & when they were off, the water would refreeze & expand as water does...and would over time, create small caverns here & there within that rock zone much faster than it would naturally on an actual planet.
(yes, it's a scientific stretch, but pffft, so what? heh!)
Part II- 30 Years of blasting out the "Level 66 Project"
The father figure for my 'Plague Dog' Marburg character, back when he was young, stumbled upon & discovered a small cavern in the buffer zone & after a few years of research & a crapload of credits he skimmed off the Green Front throughout his career, was able to gain the permits from Islay station management to begin blasting the five main caverns. It took 30 years & an army of workers, but it eventually got done.
Since the buffer zone was there to absorb heat, the climate in the caverns was extreme, but habitable.
In the day when the generators were running, the place was always extremely hot & humid, & at night when the generators shut off, the place would refreeze for the night...So, twice a day during the climate transition, the caverns would fill with fog for about an hour or so when the temperature became comfortable by comparison. Anyway, the miners blasting the caverns dubbed the place "Hell" because of the temperature extremes.
During the 30 years of blasting & rubble removing, small numbers of Gaians started moving in the caverns as each one was completed & they began building up what is essentially a tiny, claustrophobic ratty little boomtown.
(Hey, don't knock it...the place has cheap rent)
Eventually, the original shanty's were replaced by more permanent structures throughout the years as the place grew, but the climate could not be fixed...only adapted to.
Ten years ago, The process of turning Level 66 into a biosphere began.
Within the years after the Gaians went militant and became Bretonian enemies & lost their lawful planetary docking rights, they had to try & create an approximation of a natural environment on the station in order to ease the claustrophobia & cabin fever that comes with extended living in a contained area. So the Gaians living down in Level 66 started having as much plantlife as they could get their hands on from around Bretonia delivered via the Green Front, and from Corsair space & (most recently) Kusari by proxy of the few that were willing to trade w/ 'em.
During those years, The Gaian botanists bred those plants to withstand the two daily temperature extremes until eventually they began to thrive & overgrow everywhere, & the lighting system in the caverns are all synchronized to mimic the color & movement of the sun(s) across the sky to the point where a 66 resident can tell the time of day by the length of the shadows cast.
The five caverns of the Green Hell are connected together in the shape of the 5 pips on a die.
The Primary cavern was named 'Murphy Central' after the guy that started the project & contains the majority of bars, stores & brothels. The northeast & southeast caverns are primarily residential & where the schools are for the native born Gaian children.
To the Southwest is 'The Woodlands' cavern, & that is basically overfilled with plantlife moreso than the rest of the caverns combined & is best descibed as an aproximation of a national park. Also, the only resident in there is my character 'The Banger Grim' who is the current administator of the entire level. & he lives in a small, hard to locate cabin in the center of it where he grows multiple test crops of 'organic synthweed' in order to help the Gaians possibly compete directly with the Cryer 'pill form' synthetic marijuanna in the hopes it will one day make the Gaians more economically independant.
Finally, to the northwest, there is the 'Erinloch Reservoir' that acts as the Hell's source of drinking water.
There are a few tiny townhouses & restaurants that line a narrow strip between the cave wall & the water bank & is slightly elevated in comparison to the rest of the caverns so that the network of tiny creeks that snake out of the loch allows gravity to let the water to flow & collect into multiple wells scattered all over the level
Oh, & a recent addition in the central cavern are a fair amount of very large TV monitors that are bolted to the roof between the motorized lights and air circulation fans & they broadcast a closed-circuit view of the outside of the station in order to approximate an outdoor skyline and further reduce the clausterphobia.
The other four caverns don't have that yet, so in those, you look up & all you can see are the fans, lights & rocky ceiling
::Now, There's much more to the place than all this, but that's about it for all the basics. the thread is now open for any possible questions, comments, gripes or complaints::
Wha? not even a single person has any feedback/questions/comments/ect?
Fine, If you guys are cool with my ego thinking that the light of my brilliance can power several small countries, I can humbly do my best to deal with that burden
Why let it get to that point though?:crazy:
Honestly, some thoughts outside of my own head on this place would be helpful in the long run