I will not insult your intelligence by pretending to represent the Gallic Royal Police, or even claim to be a member of that organisation. Suffice it to say that I merely find it convenient to superimpose my transmission on their carrier wave.
I believe you inquired as to a former message I sent;
To Monsieur Robespierre,
Watch your back monsieur, it is not appreciated that you a Gallic citizen should work for Bretonia. There are moves afoot that will need a scapegoat to create tensions between our nation and Bretonia. You have been picked to be that scapegoat! This is a copy of the opening move, I cannot guarantee to be able to inform you of others, so be careful if you want to survive this.
A friend.
I suppose that it was inevitable that young Max would show it to you, he has always had a rather 'romantic' notion of justice and fair play. Nevertheless, I owed it to his family to make the effort to warn him of his peril. If I am completely honest, I felt sure that there was good chance that the message would end up in your hands one way or another. Since it will save me time and a great deal of effort in the long run to communicate with you directly that is what I will do monsieur, even though it is not normally accepted practice to do so in our line of work.
Firstly, let me just say that young Robespierre's family has served Gallia with honour and distinction for many centuries and has earned the respect of a great many people who still serve in many branches of the Gallic forces, both overt and covert. Indeed the honour they taught us compels us to not sit idly by and allow the corruption and deceit we see amongst the higher levels of our society free rein to cause untold damage to both our belle Gallia and eventually to all of Sirius.
The people behind the great conspiracy have been working for many years and have caused the death and ruination of a great many honourable and innocent people who stood in the way of the 'great destiny' they wishes for Gallia and ultimately, the power and wealth they wish for themselves. They are ruthless monsieur and do not care who they hurt in the pursuit of their goals. They contrived to declare an entire legion of our Gallic Royal Navy as traitors and had it hunted to extinction, merely to kill one honest man who spoke out against them. That man was Lord Marechal Enzo du Sable, leader of Le Legion des Damnes, and except for his brilliant tactics and improvisation, thay would have succeeded. One of Gallia's greatest assets has now been forced to become a mere band of brigands in order to survive, just to silence one voice of reason that spoke against them. Robespierre's older brother and his uncle were both officers in Le Legion des Damnes and both died in the ensuing fight to escape into exile.
Young Max had always been passionate about following the family tradition of serving Gallia, but in his immaturity he thought that he could stand in the town squares and give speaches denouncing the corruption he saw in our society and that natural justice would lead the people to rise up and set matters right. He was fortunate that his student friends were able to spirit him away before the authorities seized him, but he learned a hard lesson in reality as a result when his mother and father were arrested, charged with treason for allowing him to express such traitorous utterances and were publicly executed as a warning to others. Max was able to flee Gallia with a little help from friends he does not know that he has and has dedicated his life to helping others achieve the justice he was denied. I think that it would be best monsieur that he does not learn of this or any subsequent communications, nor that he is not in fact the last of his line as he believes and that his younger sibling survived and lives in hiding.
On to more recent events monsieur and the disputed intrusion into the Dublin system by certain ships of the Gallic Metal Service. With over 50% of its shares controlled by the government, GMS must bow to the wishes of the crown is they wish to survive in what is essentially the government-controlled economy of Gallia and as such they have proven to be easy to manipulate into foregoing standard business practices. Practices such as obtaining the necessary permits and diplomatic permissions to operate in systems under the control of other governments. It was calculated in advance that this 'intrusion' would be capable of creating diplomatic tensions between our nations and if handled correctly would lay the foundation needed to enable certain expansionist policies to proceed.
Do not believe for one moment monsieur that GMS would dare to operate as they have and where they have without the permission of the government, indeed by the express orders of the government. We know that this incident was engineered specifically to achieve the result that it has and that although Monsieur Chevalier is acting in good faith, he is in fact pursuing an agenda that he is not even aware of. We also know that this is not the only operation that has been planned against the Nation of Bretonia, nor are you the only nation to be targeted, merely the first.
As to who 'WE" are, let us merely say that we are patriots who fight back against the corruption endemic in our government, but we are few in number and are constrained to a covert, intelligence gathering role. You could even compare us to a ghost in the machine that is the government of Gallia, so you may refer to me as 'Ghost'. We are sworn to oppose the tyranny that has seized control of Gallia and to do whatever is in our power to return the government of our nation to the hands of honourable men once more. We do not wish to take power for ourselves, nor to influence the decissions of those who are in power, except to deflect our nation from the ruinous expansionist path it is on.
We will continue our work and supply whatever intelligence we learn to you and your conterparts in the other houses of Sirius as we are able to make safe contacts with them. If you should wish to contact us, a 'random static burst' containing your encrypted communication on this frequency "***-*****-**" will reach me whilst bypassing Gallic Intelligence's monitoring.
A desk jockey sits at his post, staring at the monitors that monitor all the broadband transmissions that move hither and thither throughout Gallic space. One of them catches his attention. Quickly, he grabs for a communicator and rings up the tippy top of all the desk jockeys.
"Monsieur LeGloan," He speaks softly, "Why is the Directeur sending a transmission to Sirius?"
The fat man on the other end timidly replies, "You must be crazy. Directeur Dupont is in a meeting with the command board."
"Mmm," He scratches at his chin, "Bien." And with that, he cut the transmission and went back to his post, terminating the message at the source.