**** Incoming Bounty Option ****
**** Playing voice message ****
Roight. Lessee how this 'ere be workin' then.
Hear ye. This be chief Erynel o' the miner Carsten Miller. Oi ran afoul o' two Hogosha pieces o' <static>. An' now oi' be wantin' them DEAD, ye hear me? Me an' me crew be makin' a good soidepot fer a whoile, so it be toime ta be dippin' inta it.
Targets be both Hogosha:
[|]General.Yarr, [|]-Motoko.Kusanagi. Yarr be in some koinda big Kushi transport an' tha other freck be in a foighter.
Shoot em where? Oi dun' bloody care, 'xept for Conneticut. Nae cash fer sims. Jes' leave em in pieces. Real pieces.
Who c'n shoot em?
- IMG an' IMG Guard - Ye guys wanna take revenge, yer hands be untoid now.
- BHG an' BHG Core - Ye do this for a livin.
- Colonials - Ye do this for fun.
- Yer run o' the mill Mercenary an' Freelancer
- Mollies - If them Hogosha be psychotic enough ta go ta Dublin. Would nae surprise me.
- Other groups or persons showin' interest, contact me.
Seems ye need ta lemme know ye wanna start collectin' before ye can - this be a formality ifn' ye meet the minimum restrictions: Yer' hostile to Hogosha, an' at least neutral to IMG, an' ye've nae run afoul of our Guild. Prove me tha an' yer gonna be approved.
Oh, roight. Price on their heads... Lessee... Start out with 5 mil per kill, each. Moight or moight not raise this lateron. Stays valid 'till oi say otherwoise. Which may be never.
An' ye two who this be comin' down on. Ifn' ever ye get this ta yer eyes. Know mercs ain't the only thin' comin' fer ye. Next bloody toime oi'll nae be in a Hegemon. Lessee ye try an' ram a Mafic ye damn Kusari pieces of <static>.
**** Bounty option playback complete ****
** Approved collectors listed below **
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Why, good day there miner. My name's Leo, I'm a representative today for a group of Junkers calling themselves the Colts.
Slaving away in the scrap fields has gotten a might tiresome for us, you see, an' we're itching for some Kusarian heads. Could ya see about adding us to your list of contractors, my good man?
Junkers. Didn't think you lot would be into headhunting, especially in Kusari - but who am I to say you can't. Prove your people meet the requirements and you'll be approved. Going to have to insist about that - junkers have been known to cause trouble for us miners as well. Not saying you're part of those... just saying I need to be sure.
*** Message end ***
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.