DarkStar watched his moniter intently. A slow grin spred across his face. Oh yes... He thought. The Nomads are going to be quite pleased.
The image was security recordings from the HMCS Magnificant. He watched the slaughter, the maddness, the possessions, everything, with no small ammount of glee.
"Raf'el, come over here. You need to see this." Raf'el, a Miraluka, glided over to DarkStar.
"What is it?"
"This is the first step of our plans. As you can see the sabotoged NCUs worked perfectly. I'm certain that our Nomad friends are going to be quite happy with this turn of events."
"Just as long as they kill off everyone."
"They will. Sirus will fall, don't you worry." DarkStar flashed his predator's grin.
It was strange how the Miraluka came to them. They found the outcast fighting off a Navy patrol near New Berlin, and actually doing fairly well himself. Then DarkStar appeared and proceded to blow everything, save the Miraluka, out of the sky. When they took him aboard and interrogated him, he told them of how the C'Tan, DarkStar's masters, had destroied their homeworld. Raf'el was a pirate then, and had been for his entire long life. He didn't really feel any hostility towards the C'Tan, just a small measure of annoyance. But, time when on and Raf'el eventually decided to let bygones be bygones. Now he was only after one thing. He had listened to DarkStar and his masters explain their reason for being here, and the more he listened the more he began to agree with them. So now the Miraluka had allied himself with the destroyers of his homeworld and their tools to rid the universe of their taint.
An odd agreement, true, but proffiable. The C'Tan promised to find him a place to live out his life in peace after he helped DarkStar destroy the humans. To the Miraluka's specifications, of course.
Raf'el also gave a small smile. "I don't think I will."
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren