Quote:* In all cases, characters may purchase and use ships and weapons that are sold on bases that belong to the same faction as their faction ID regardless of color coding.
Go to the Junker base which sells the Gunboat,prove you bought it there,use it to defend yourself if somebody lands a successful report on you.
I had a Junker IDed Conf for a short while, and I used it for piracy. That ship, and the reactions to what you do in it if you're not a 'law-abiding citizen' is actually really interesting.
The way I RPed it was, the captain and the crew had made the ship themselves, using spare or salvaged parts and based on a 'borrowed' gunboat blueprints.
Even though I did get the occasional "omg u pirat in zonar gb? i raport!", the general reaction was still cool enough, so I say go for it.
(Or... You can grant yourself a tridente *Coughs*)