I'm just going to chime in here and mention a trend I've been noticing.. a lot of the people posting here seem to be people who were denied from the [HF] for various reasons, mostly lack of knowledge, poor backgrounds, etc.
Here's the deal. The [HF] are ex Liberty Navy. We're revolutionaries. We are also a four year old official faction.
That having been said, our ID is not green, nor white, nor purple to Liberty Navy tech. It is red.
Whether or not it should be isn't a debate I'm willing to bring into this, but what I will say is that you could always suck it up and use sabres like we've been doing since the tech chart came along.
If we're redcelled to LN tech (At least for the moment), what makes you think there would be an exception made for you, who are using the same ID as the people you're shooting?
Alternatively, write up an app. Being denied from a faction once doesn't mean that all future attempts will be in vain, something to keep in mind rather than holding grudges.
' Wrote:I'm just going to chime in here and mention a trend I've been noticing.. a lot of the people posting here seem to be people who were denied from the [HF] for various reasons, mostly lack of knowledge, poor backgrounds, etc.
Here's the deal. The [HF] are ex Liberty Navy. We're revolutionaries. We are also a four year old official faction.
That having been said, our ID is not green, nor white, nor purple to Liberty Navy tech. It is red.
Whether or not it should be isn't a debate I'm willing to bring into this, but what I will say is that you could always suck it up and use sabres like we've been doing since the tech chart came along.
If we're redcelled to LN tech (At least for the moment), what makes you think there would be an exception made for you, who are using the same ID as the people you're shooting?
Alternatively, write up an app. Being denied from a faction once doesn't mean that all future attempts will be in vain, something to keep in mind rather than holding grudges.
My two cents.
Basically if the HF cant have cant play liberty rebels and have liberty navy tech, then no one can damnit! That about right?
Quote:QUOTE(Russell סּ_סּ @ Feb 12 2011, 10:57 PM)
1. Not important
2. Renegade LN ships.
3. Why not? Other factions have renegade ships. Besides, "Liberty government is corrupt"
Can I join? It sounds like a fun and interesting RP oppertuninty.
Among other things.
Also, I can give you tips on how achieving that FR5 you want. Its very easy. And it allows you to continue your RP ironically even though it is designed to destroy it.
' Wrote:Basically if the HF cant have cant play liberty rebels and have liberty navy tech, then no one can damnit! That about right?
Yes, conspiracy, bias against [HF] Zelot. Quick to jump to conclusions. >_>
No, I'm saying that if a four year old official faction doesn't get lib navy tech, I doubt the admins would give them to a group that basically popped up overnight shooting Lib navy with their own ships.
Quote:Not interested in joining the Lane Hackers.
Not interested in having <strike>Cam</strike> trolls, and/or taco men as members of the Hellfire Legion.
1. Where exactly were you planning on having the Navy caps based from? I can't imagine them staying functional for too long without some sort of drydock facility.
2. Do you have reasons more specific than 'Liberty Navy is corrupt'?
3. Do you have actual long-term plans for this group, or no?
And, note to everyone else. Say what you like about my faction, but I'd prefer that you'd refrain from going as far as insults, thank you.
Characters Alan Markson: The Hellfire Legion's Lord Commander The Perihelion: Freeport Four's guardian, and yet much more. Missing and assumed Lost with all hands. Eric Dresmund: Junker, smuggler, thief. Last seen drunk on Beaumont Vayrn Wyard: IMG Recon pilot turned Neo-Terran Captain. Last location unknown