Does that company specialise in only removing waste, or does it also study it?
Something like establishing where the waste came from, it's age... What I have in mind is calling some ALG experts to establish where did a certain wreck came from and how old is it. I have an idea of possibly determing that, by analysing the radioactive material found near a possible ship wreck bneeth the surface of a certain planet from orbit.
Independent institutions and such could also do that, however I doubt that there is an established group with matching RP out there.
Yes it's fair to say ALG would have advanced knowledge on various radioactive energy sources, half lifes, histories etc.. since they do focus on dealing with the waste and after effects of such products. Another would be GMG since they are a primary source and supplier of these sort of materials. The Planet Miura is fine example of the Nuclear power in GMG's control.
ALG does hazardous waste disposal and cleanup, something they specialise in. But they also have smelters and industrial facilities, which produce tier 1 and tier 2 commodities from raw materials such as scrap and said waste. I imagine the Junkers would be a better bet for in-depth investigation of wrecks, seeing as they are more into salvaging specific parts rather then bulk scrap cleanup.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
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