' Wrote:Before mining was turned off, mining in Omega 11 was more profitable than dublin. Nobody mined there... Why?
Because everyone was in Dublin. Activity attracts activity. Try it for yourself. If mining gets turned back on, start a mining group somewhere unusual, and then see if it attracts more people seeing what's going on, people emulating you, pirates, lawfuls... You'll see how it works. The problem with Dublin, is that nobody took the initiative to go elsewhere.
I say this is not true.
Else there would've been much more action in T23 when ICMG still mined.
Why is there more action in Dublin? Because there isn't a big hostile sun in the whole system, there isn't a big
bad Hessian base and system next to the mining side, there isn't another enemy house right next door (KNF
doesn't go to Dublin and doesn't pirate), there are two Battleships and overall three friendly bases in Dublin
which are all rather close to the mining sites, there isn't a huge system to cross to get out of there (Stuttgart),
Dublin isn't big, there are fast routes out of Dublin, O11 belongs to DHC, not to Rheinland/RM. Etc.
Enough reasons?
To the topic:
If the mining mod gets turned on again like it was before...(buffs and nerfs to droprate/price don't matter):
Yes, please.
More fields to mine.
More places where you can sell the ore...
' Wrote:I say this is not true.
Else there would've been much more action in T23 when ICMG still mined.
Why is there more action in Dublin? Because there isn't a big hostile sun in the whole system, there isn't a big
bad Hessian base and system next to the mining side, there isn't another enemy house right next door (KNF
doesn't go to Dublin and doesn't pirate), there are two Battleships and overall three friendly bases in Dublin
which are all rather close to the mining sites, there isn't a huge system to cross to get out of there (Stuttgart),
Dublin isn't big, there are fast routes out of Dublin, O11 belongs to DHC, not to Rheinland/RM. Etc.
Enough reasons?
To the topic:
If the mining mod gets turned on again like it was before...(buffs and nerfs to droprate/price don't matter):
Yes, please.
More fields to mine.
More places where you can sell the ore...
I beta tested the mining mod , and trust me, perhaps Dublin is more friendly to miners, but more risks equals more rewards, and mining in O-11, among other places, was indeed rewarding. Nevermind the radioactivty or the Hessians, the place's a dead trap, both OORP and In-RP. It's the the reason why Daumann abuses of slaves to do their biddings, since they cannot keep up with the upkeeps, and since they cannot attract anyone to work due to the high risks.
And it does reward well when you manage to survive.
' Wrote:I say this is not true.
Else there would've been much more action in T23 when ICMG still mined.
Why is there more action in Dublin? Because there isn't a big hostile sun in the whole system, there isn't a big
bad Hessian base and system next to the mining side, there isn't another enemy house right next door (KNF
doesn't go to Dublin and doesn't pirate), there are two Battleships and overall three friendly bases in Dublin
which are all rather close to the mining sites, there isn't a huge system to cross to get out of there (Stuttgart),
Dublin isn't big, there are fast routes out of Dublin, O11 belongs to DHC, not to Rheinland/RM. Etc.
Enough reasons?
To the topic:
If the mining mod gets turned on again like it was before...(buffs and nerfs to droprate/price don't matter):
Yes, please.
More fields to mine.
More places where you can sell the ore...
But you know, when you can mine, oh, 14-20k away from a safe base, then I don't think that the Hessians (really the only legitimate reason you state here) are that big of a problem in a Hegemon. Sure, Dublin is more friendly to beginning miners than Omega-11, but overall, I'd say it's worse in every other aspect than every other system ever. You're farther from a friendly base at all times, those bases are BSs (and have you ever been Friendly Fired by a BS Razor?), the place is riddled with mines which not only hurt you, but blow up your loot, and there are not only Mollys, but Corsairs, Gaians, Kusari, and opposing mining companies trying to kill you. Seriously, Joe is right. The only reason Dublin has many people in it is because it's that place which had the most people in it at the start.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.