' Wrote:Also I'll ask Cannon, or maybe he'll read it here, if he can add a button to just jettison all cargo. A keyslot you can assign to a button basically.
Yeah, that would work great. Thanks for the effort.
' Wrote:Do you know what thegood side of these 4 days without mining is:
There are a lot of trains moving along now. I assume most were newly bought because many had no real armour.
And they can be used for trading and hauling. There is more traffic now. And there are pirates at the "old" choke points... I love it.
Ran an Ore convoy (2 trains), found the pirates, evaded them with the convoy... and it was all "Hey! Disco, I'm haveing fun again! *happy*"
that is true.... perhaps disco could make good use of ''depletable'' mining zones... After all trading is the good ol' unversal way to do money in freelancer since almost a decade.
' Wrote:Mafic and Spatial arent the problem, they have forward facing turets....problem is with Basalt and Dacite, their turets fire only back, so if you would be so kind to explain to us how to use them.
Dacite turrets fire forward. I use mine all the time.
Basalts, though... well, yeah. Try mining backwards, I guess.
Powerminers will empty field: Go to next field: Empty it.
And so on.
Rest of fields is depleted? Legit miners get crappy drop.
HF with that.
I give up. I am bored to death because admins thinks this will fix the complaints about lolwuts... One word: BAN lolwutters. Dont sanction, ban! Its as easy as it is said. Sure, It takes a few moments to clean up the server, but that is whats necessairy.
Trading is boring...
p.s. Where does it say MINING IS BACK ON?
Just chill out,or leave. Been here 1 month,and you think admins ruined your life? Wow. Go away,no one will miss you.
Now for mining i thank Cannon. I love this new setup. My IMG Malfic works with a train to haul ore away,so i see no problems with mining,and dropping/trading.
Rear turret only? Go in reverse,and use turret mode. Come on people adapt,and try it out a little before you whine like little kids. I am sure it will be tweaked after they gather some "productive" input.
Errm... Jinx spoke of the possibility of fluctuation in the field regeneration times depending on the time zone. That should even things out for off peak miners and peak miners :/
To be honest i have seen the same rages that for some reason hate miners?
I seriously love rp mining, i have a drone and rp a drone... automatic seller.... scans for hostiles and goes into defensive mode... and can connect to operators... i usually get traders asking to buy ore that i mine... so you cannot say that when people mine there is no traffic at all
Having it go straight into my hold and then me having to transfer it every 4 seconds would add at least 10-20minutes onto mining, hence the trader would get fed up, i wouldn't get paid and now i have lost my fun with my role play...
I see most people raging about how miners are complaining about certain facts that they disagree with seriously? are you 5 years old? discuss it...
I have given up trading at the moment, all i have seen is 5milordie now!!!! 10 sec transfer... And to say in new tokyo there were 4 bd gunboats stopping you every lane asking for 3milordie... 12 mil a run on pirates... thats what? 6-8mil every hour of trade... and when u do change your route... guess what? theres more pirates on those lanes because either they have seen you change route on the chat log or they are another bunch of lolpirates...
I have not come across one single pirate who would like to rp before demanding the good old 3milordie...
even had a 10milordie... you cant expect to make a living out of pirating... i tried when i started here, then moved onto trading... i enjoy trading and will role play anytime... just not if its a moneyordie
Now at the new mining system...
When its balanced i reckon it will be awesome... means full rp... just have it so it does replenish so everyone can enjoy it...
Ramming... wondered why i died when i kept acidently hitting the bigger ship:D
But there will need to be a system for smaller miners... hence it has only made the rp selective and not for all...
Trade window and dropping is just to frustrating... you who criticize i dare you to try it when selling ore
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If a /drop command could be made to purge your cargo hold entirely, that would help small miners. I think the Dacite, Mafic and Spatial could do with a small cargo space increase. The reason to push the cargo into the hold was to not have the server strained with a bazillion ore bolts hovering around a fighter-miner (the "oreclouds" as they were nicknamed, apparantly cause quite a bit of serverload). Packets of > 200 ore shouldn't be too much of a problem though.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.