Quote:3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.
Consequences: Fined all guns and credits from Pyroman82, fined all credits from Pyroman.
You rather incriminated yourself here when you reported someone. The screenshots contained you yelling about "Ramming is a bannable offense", "rp mfail" and "rp ADMIN stop".
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.
Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other
legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
ok i dont know but in no way is saying "Ramming is a bannable offense" "rp mfail" (is a typo of "rp fail") and "ADMIN RP FAIL" sound anything like " attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed "
i was creaming out to the admins to intervine not posing as one
and in no way did i say "rp ADMIN stop"
try taking a second look ( u will see your accusation is erroneous )
now then if u know these LH~Ageira's.bane and Lawsuit.impending character and are protecting them by sanctioning me for daring to report abusive characters then u sir are the one at fault
the worst u can say is i was out of character ( simply cuz i was fighting to stay alive in space as i was typing ) nothing more and i want to have my credit and guns returned ,since this sanction is of no value and based on something that has been read incorrectly
its plan and simple you protect the scum who had no intention of letting us go even though we had given them what they asked for
and by the way why were they not sanctioned
this is really starting to piss me off
post me a link of were you sanctioned the two abusive characters ( and ill just take this as a learning experience and stop fighting you on the mater )
its true you cant find any because there is none
what happened to my sanction against LH~ageira'sbane and Lawsuit.Impending
'¢ My character name / Brother's character
Pyroman82 , Inforcer
'¢ Name/s of the violators
LH~Ageira's.Bane , Lawsuit.Impending
'¢ Server Rule/s Being Broken
6.6 Aggressors are not allowed to destroy a trade vessel prior to issuing a demand and allowing sufficient time to respond. Demands may be cargo, credits or an RP demand, such as leaving the system. "Halt" is not a demand.
5.4 Intentional ramming of capital ships (gunboat-class or larger) by fighters and other capital ships is not allowed in PvP combat, as well as in any other situations.
'¢ Sanction Context or Background
Inforcer and i (pyroman82) were about to enter the trade lane in the Shikoku System in the direction of Deshima Station to sell our pirate pilots/lane hackers... when LH~Ageira's.Bane , Lawsuit.Impending disrupted us and shoot out the trade lane . They proceed to demand our pilots and we both complied as quickly as possible. This was obviously not fast enough for the violators and they began to Intentional ramming Inforcer with there Gunboats and causing large amounts of hull damage . I proceed to inform them that Intentional ramming a ship is not allowed in PVP and at this point they Made a second demand of 1 million credits to stop ramming us. I refuse since i had already complied to there demands and no were in the rules does it state that pirates are allowed to made multiple demands in one engagement. At this point they open fire and destroyed both Inforcer and myself as i repeated for them to stop firing.
' Wrote:You did not provide enough evidence to show any breach of the rules by anyone else.
this is beyond ridicules
quote from my very own screen shot
LH~Ageira's.bane: how about paying us a million to stop ramming you?
how the hell is this not evidence enough that he was (5.4 Intentional ramming) he is openly admitting he was ramming us and wanted retribution for it !!!!
quote from my very own screen shot
LH~ageira's.bane: Drop those hackers immediately
LH~ageira's.bane: Rouges too
LH~ageira's.bane: how about paying us a million to stop ramming you?
how many god damn demands are pirates allowed to make 1,2...100 maybe i should just have given them my ship and swim to the closest planet
one thing i am sorry for is not being able to hit Alt + print-screen and open paint and do alt+v and hit save as in less them one second. So i could document the entire engagement in frame by frame.
Rule 5.4 and 5.5 have been removed, due to changes in gameplay which render them irrelevant. Even if they had not, then it was still perfectly legal to ram any non-cap craft. That includes freighters, transports, bombers, fighters etc. You were flying a camara, which is not a cap ship.
He shot you for not handing him a million credits. You did not comply with the demands. And instead of taking their actions as a roleplay action, you chose to complain out of roleplay about the rules, and threaten them with sanctions.
They did not break a rule. You however did. Stop trying to make yourself the victim here.
The pirates asked for a few allied pilots, and a million credits. If you complain that much about someone who issues such light demands, then I hate to think what will happen when someone asks for more.