Boken'Lee has been warned for breaking the following rule
Quote:6.7 Attacking freighters, transports, liners or demanding cargo from the same is not allowed for cruisers and battleships.
Exceptions to this rule are:
a) Official faction tagged house ships in their respective house space ONLY.
b) Terrorist, Nomad, Wild, Phantom ID players;
c) LSF or Liberty Navy Guard vessels operating within Zone 21 or Alaska;
d) Order Guard vessels operating within Alaska or Omicron Minor;
e) Blood Dragon Guard vessels within Chugoku;
f) Corsair Guard vessels within Omicron Gamma;
g) Outcast Guard vessels within Omicron Alpha;
h) Guard ID players in their -own- associated Guard system.
i) Special OP players within the guidelines of their approved RP.
Traders whom are attacked in these areas may be pursued and destroyed beyond them.
You attacked a transport with a cruiser in Sigma-13. You are not allowed to do this unless you meet one of the exceptions listed above.
Note in your hold.
Proud member of "the most paranoid group of people in the community"
' Wrote:Boken'Lee has been warned for breaking the following rule
You attacked a transport with a cruiser in Sigma-13. You are not allowed to do this unless you meet one of the exceptions listed above.
Note in your hold.
My bad.I didn't knew that i'm not allowed to attack a pirate transport.
This is my first warning in almost 2 years, and the last one.