Thread shot to a more proper section with a volley of imaginary moderator mind-bullets
Ok, so, anyway...if I had to choose, I could never live without my DVD's of The Exorcist, Cannonball Run, Jacob's Ladder, Reign Of Fire, Reefer Madness, Trainspotting, House Of 1000 Corpses/The Devil's Rejects, The Alamo, Caligula, Wag The Dog, Fight Club & every one of the Final Destination movies
::Edit- Oh! & Falling Down has to go in there too. I swear, at the root that movie's a comedy, yet it can never be found in the comedy section when you look for it::
Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Schindler's List, Casablanca, Tropic Thunder, Machete, No Country For Old Men, Blazing Saddles, and some others i cant remember..