Hello artists of Discovery community, whether you began your graphics design career before or after you joined us you have no doubt gained invaluable improvements and experience.
Everyone of us started from zero and some eventually became experienced and stylish artists. Tell us about your story, how you began and show us your art from your very first signature to one of your masterpieces most recently.
I began my career (more of a hobby, really) of graphics design just a few weeks before I joined this wonderful place (September 09). By the time I made my very first post on the forums I was still trawling the internet for tutorials that'll help me create my first signature. Before signatures, I worked on miscellaneous art such as animations. But I never experienced the thrill of painting your own artwork which represents a part of you from scratch.
I went from this, which I created by following a tutorial soon after I signed up
... to this completely original effort which took around 3 hours
*Notice the two signatures are designed for the same character I own.
Of course, this is only one examples of my many pieces. For a more complete showcase, go here. (shameless advertisement) My skills have developed to a level where I can now confidently inspire myself and create just about anything I want from a total blank canvas. I also gladly accept design requests from various members which I satisfy and never fail to impress.
Caja with her old looks ^^ rejected as well due to the fact that I deleted the PSD file too soon'¦
Those two were created in 2 minutes but I just couldn't stand the non transparent one anymore
For some reason I constantly get PMs saying that they lol'd a this one:D
Aaaand that's pretty much it. I don't think that my signatures are remotely at the level of Cab's but they do just fine for me. I do take pride however in my Ship schematics (yes I am working a new ones), and the .gifs and pictures created for my RP stories which I won't post here due to the fact that the page will load for good 15 minutes then
Here are the links
Signature violates 1.7, please resize:
1.7 - Pictures that exceed 700px width or signatures that exceed 700*250px*3 MB are not allowed on the forum.
Well, I've known ever since I went to school that my brain works best with things related to art (paintings, music, and so on), but failed on my path when I joined a High School based on telecomunications(basically math and physics). I'm not bad with technology either, I love IT related things. I just can't learn a thing if I don't see any purpose from it. I'm in my last year now, and waiting for the exams to start. And I still don't know any math.:)
My earliest work is some sort of anime character(I can't show it because I don't have a scanner) I drew when I was really young.
My first signature on this forum was for my AI Role Play Story, which I change as the AI moves through systems.
The next version is the one currently in my signature.
And the latest work I'm proud of is this one (Size reduced).
Took me 4 hours, and is my second try of this kind.
This was my first one:
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
Cool topic this is :D. So my 1st sig is lost :(:(:(maaybe is in the sugnatures topic...but my second one was terrible too. I did it not for Disco, I thing but for hell knows what :-D Just look at the combination: Albatros + Liberty flag + Russian names + Hayden Panettiere :lol::lol:
Thru sigs like these:
To the most recent ones:
Well they are not top notch but much better from the ones I did back then :)