Ok, im after a transmission bars set, in light blue for IMG use, and a signiture in similar colours for IMG also. prefer them to be editable. name a price and show me what ya got!
' Wrote:Dunno, I was waiting for you to message me, just like you said.:)
Haven't been on the forums for a few days my apologies. I won't be buying the transmission bars. A siniture might be nice. I downloaded cs5 by the way but can't use it haha aint got a clue
Oh...Well, I would suggest you google " Photoshop CS5 Tutorials" or " Photoshop beginner tutorials". There are a lot of lessons out there. The first thing is to get familiar with the interface. The easiest way would be to follow the tutorial once and then trying to create something from YOUR head.
Please do not expect to get good results right away, I can assure you that you will suck. Let it NOT discourage you. Just keep practicing, keep reading tutorials and have patience. If you want some motivation, you can look at my page and see that I started from being crappy too. (Although I posted only somewhat sucky images there, so people would see my improvemet.) You can do the same. Start a page and save all your work there. After a while you will see that you are getting better and that will motivate you.
I wish you all the best.
p.s. If you want a sig, let me know what you want (what you have in mind, what do you envision) and we can work from there.
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