Herein, I'm starting my public neural net journal. In this article I going to describe myself, my life, and events happening with me, or maybe having me as a reason for them to happen. Why do I need it, I'm asking myself. My old man's memory is starting to fail me, and one day, as far as I can suppose, I wouldn't be able anymore to rebuilt the past of my within my mind. I do hope that this will newer happen, however. I also hope that my precious son Caesar with his delightful wife Maria will have a kids once. I can't explain the mightfullness of my will to see them. My grandchildrens.. Maybe they will read this one. Maybe not. I'm praying to The Great Spirits for them being a nice people. Nice and dignitive. They will. As my inherits, Caesar and his offsprings might find this notes usefull for themselves. As for other possible readers, whoever they are - I'm proud that I've gained your attention and interest.
It would be logical to place my brief bio before the records. So here it goes.
First of all, I was born. Quite a long time ago. In 735 AS. Both my father and my mother, as I remember, were farmers. Grain growers. Making a bread with Cardamine was our family tradition for many hundreds of years. Newer tried old Franko's bread? You should, it have unforgettable taste gamma! That was this bread with its taste which helped me to gain my memory back! But, I would tell more about it later. Now back to my early years. I have not continued my education. To be honest, I ever had no wish to do it, and I never applied to any kind of university after the school. I was drafted to army when I was 21. I served for 5 years as a fireman, quenching field fires with my flying craft. This is when I've gained my first piloting skills. After my dismissing I've came back to El Tranquilo Pueblo and started to grow a weed on my farm. 15 years passed... I've marred my Goddess of a Pleasure, my Wonderful Muse, my beautiful wife Carmelita Torres. It is true love, we are happy together for 42 years now. She gave me a heir. My brave son Caesar Franko Vasquez was born in 786 AS, he's 32 now. He married young Maria Ramirez two years ago, I'm so proud of him! As he did it, I've left my farm which was now in reliable hands of Carmelita, Caesar and Maria. Space was calling me. I've firstly noticed this call fifty years ago. Being a poor farmer for all of my life I had no means to obtain a private spacecraft. But I thirsted to. I was saving money for dozens of years. In 816 I finally obtained a Saber. I know that my life is eclipsing, so I'm going to taste as much as possible. This is might be given as explanation of what I did. I was travelling in Outcast space for about a year, doing little tasks like delivering people to the distant space stations. And, fought against Corsair and Colonial raids for several times. After one of this bouts I was contacted by the Reapers of Sirius representor, who suggested me to join the Reapers. I don't know really why I agreed. Maybe because I was looking for some real point in life.. However, on the next week I was wearing a dark uniform of Reapers. I've passed through series of intensive trainings which have advanced my fighter skills. Together with my new colleges I've continued my duty guarding Malta. I've participated in several intrusions into the Corsair territory causing a big damage. During this time I've continuously gone under the Archon's control. Those two.. Ones from the old ship which arrived to Omicron Alpha in 814.. They have something hypnotically in their voice.. The Fallen Angels.. When the Reaper conflict took place, I followed other reapers to Omega-50 without any doubts. It was good; The Fallen Angels were sharing the Liquid Cardamine to hired outcasts. It made us stronger.. Younger. However, I could not run from my destiny. During one of the fights with Coalition forces I was defeated. My ship, my wonderful Saber exploded and I was drifting in my save suit for a 3 days until one kindful Zoner picked me up. I've totally lost my memory, only thing I remembered, was El Tranquilo Pueblo on Malta. Zoner took me there when I was warmly welcomed with my family and friends I found while Malta duty. They've helped me with new ship and my loving Carmelita curved me from amnesia. After two months I was already on my basic duty, guarding wellbeing of the Malta. While trying to get more use from myself, I've joined 101st Ghosts of Razgriz (or however it spells). Serving for them was completely different from serving for Reapers. At first, I gained some power between other outcast pilots. I can't suppose was it good or bad for me. The aftermath of that power was a groving emotional barrier between me and my close people - that what I wasn't looking for. Once again, I fought in Tau-23 alongside with Chenzo, Alberto Carrera and Alehandro against Colonials and other hostiles of Maltese Nation. I even fought against my old employers Reapers - not an easy fight was it! With a time I came to conclusion that totally frustrated me - we were always defending. Jameson didn't wanted us to do anything offensive, with a motivation of avoiding any risks. He didn't wanted to risk our people and resourses. It is praiseworthy. Bur he can't decide over other people lives and resourses. He doesn't own it and he does not responsable for them. I've decided to retire - together with Alberto Carrera. That was a year after I joined. After that I've took a break for a half of the year, during that time I focused on my family. And now I came back to space roads thinking about creation of unofficial volunteer outcast squad, that will act deep within hostile territorry with a hit and run tactics. Well, its only an idea this time.. I think, that's all I can say about my past. And now I go straight to the future!
My ships:
During these years I spent in space, I've obtained some priority. Here comes the list of it:
-Sabre, my original and favorite ship. How many weeks I spent within its cockpit! After some time I've upgraded and refitted it into a powerfull fire platform, so it could stand a fight with a single assault gunboat. Nice ship for acting in a group;
-Falcata, my secound favorite ship. Many corsair and colonial capital ships have a scarrs after it hits. However, its lacking some more energy output;
-Switchblade, my rather new acquisition. Its good for a solowork against hostile snubcraft - it can outmaneuver most of VHFs;
-Scimitar, brand new one. It's used by me for interception of a single hostile vessel and binding it untill ally forces arrive. And somthing tells me that swarm of that Scimitars would be extremely effective in a fleetfights without capital ships;
-MNS Granos, a Tridente class gunship. That one is still under construction and going to be a strong antifighter vessel I'm going to use as borderkeeper, or a core ship for a small patrols.
My tasks:
-My current task is to install a net of a stealth spy sattelites within the corsair territory to intercept their transmissions and observe their activities. With a help of that net I'll be able to organise my activities, bind their rears and rip their logistics.
-Another task is to try to fix current Rogue-Outcast problem
I've made my way to Liberty Republic - The House of Sin. This is the secound time I wisiting this place of a Sirius Sector. And a first time I ever land into this scrapland. Si. I'm sitting now within the durty piece of rock Liberty Rogues use as their shelter here, in New York. Its called Buffalo for some reason I don't really want to know. Liberty Rogues were struggling their lives over here for a many years - that is if they don't sit in local prison. The reason I came to this plase is.. my deep disappointment in current Rogue status. It seems to me that those liberty society's dregs have totally forgot who are they really are. They have forgot what kind of organisation they were just ten years ago. They don't want to remember who gave them a helping hand, and they don't want to pay their historical debt. A don't think I can change anything about it. But I can voice my opinion here. That's why I came.
My Liberty trip is now over. I've got back to Malta and once again walking across my dear El Tranquilo Pueblo. This small town is literally best place in all known universe! These winding streets laying between simple but charming houses of local residents.. These smiles on a people's faces.. These balladas of a young Santiago, a boy who've met his first love. These wheat fields on the other side of town, smelling grace.
My broadcast was succesfull. As far as I can suppose, it had been heared by many Rogues. I've even been contacted by senoritta Eva Jones - I have no idea how did she managed to obtain my comm ID adress! But it doesn't matter now.. I think I could establish a communication with her. Lets see what would happen.