Quote:Till than I am not playing. Too damn boring.
With enough drinks in ya, nothing is boring...
Drinks all around!
But no sirius'ly, what is boring about it so far? Start pirating, start a mining operation, set a goal to map every system (Minus Bastille, unless you gets lulz'y and get exiled), or hell... sit above Manhatten and gripe and complain about pirates!
' Wrote:But no sirius'ly, what is boring about it so far? Start pirating, start a mining operation, set a goal to map every system (Minus Bastille, unless you gets lulz'y and get exiled), or hell... sit above Manhatten and gripe and complain about pirates!
Already done all that. Pirating, mining, trading, smuggling, snatching stuff, exploring... and more. All done.
Its too easy to collect money. One trade run and you have new ship. And i have more than billion credits and thats enough for buying ships that i want.
I just want to build my base and start with RP. I have nice ideas in my head.