Artyom Kozyrev walked to the Storm dock on Zvezdney Gorodok. Looking over the Storms. The Katyusha, the Voldoya, The mighty Totenkopf. Then he spotted it. The CPW-Pripyat. His new command.
"Well then...Let us see what you have."
Artyom stepped up the ramp, and was greeted by a very attractive blonde.
"Privet sir, I am Mya Kosieva, your Helmswoman."
Artyom glanced down her frame. Damn, I'm lucky! he thought.
"Privet. I want to meet my crew, then continue on with this. I want to know everything about the Pripyat."
"Of course." Mya motioned for him to follow. She turned and began to walk. Artyom observed the view from behind. My God, you must favor me today..
When they arrived on the bridge, five others stood. Four men and another woman.
"Comrade, these are Ensign Evan MckEnna, Sensors. Ensign Yuri Gregoria, Radio. Ensign Alice McMillian, Weapons. And Ensign Miguel Coruza, Engines."
"Privet Comrades!"
"Sir. Pripyat is ready for its run with you at the helm."
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let us go!"
Artyom Kozyrev joined the Fighter Corps five years ago. He was born on Volgograd, and idolized heroes such as Ben Warner, Angie Broch, Jayce Brooks, Rocardo Alvarez, and especially Premier Katz. he was honored to join the fighter corps. A devote pilot, He was a decent Revolution pilot, helping to burn large targets , fighters , and anything that fought against a Red Dawn. Artyom had always liked the Pripyat. he did not know why, he just did. Now, it was his.
"Ensign Kosieva, please take us out."
"Aye Comrade."
The Pripyat powered up, pushing off from the ground, rising above the Totenkpf, then accelerating towards the exit.
When they exited, Artyom checked his orders.
"We are to commence a raid on a Kruger Mining field in Omega-7. Word has it that the gunboat RNC-Bublihoun is stationed there at the moment. We are to tear it up for the Revolution."
"Aye sir."
The Pripyat accelerated towards the Omega-5 jump hole, Dipping its stubby wings to the Kurt Eisner, then jumping. it flew fast to Omega-7.
Entering the system, the Pripyat moved on impulse power, gliding through the asteroid fields. They soon came upon them: Five Kruger Mining Vessels, two Kruger Eagles, and, nearby, the Boublihoun and its two Wraith Escorts.
"Well comrades. I daresay, this will be a challenge. Lets us show them what the Red Dawn brings."
Han Kramer Looked over as his alarm blared.
"Its the Coalition!"
The Boublihoun began to move, its two Wraith Escorts moving in to assault the Pripyat. But, ina flurry of Battle Razors, the two Wraiths were vaporised.
"Aha, very good! Now, that Gunboat. Make it an asteroid field for the Red Dawn!"
The Pripyat charged, firing its weapons. The Gunboat fired a salvo, but was quickly pinned by the Storm. As it fired back, Battle Razors poured into the engine, finally making the core go critical.
"Comrade, incoming Bergelmir Wing!"
"What? Go Evasie Comrade Kosieva! Ensign Gregoria, I want Avezdney Gorodok on the line, we have incoming."
The crew were a flurry of moving body parts. The Storm began initiating insane evasive manuvers as the five Bergelmirs unleashed a flurry of Nova and SNACs.
"Damn. Give Comrade McMillian a clear shot Kosieva!"
The Storm commenced a loop, coming out at a downwards angle. With a flurry of weapons fire, the Pripyat destroyed a Bergelmir, causing the other four to break off. But a trio of Wraiths were coming.
"Dammit! Comrade Kosieva, head to Omega 5, now!"
The Pripyat managed to get to the jumphole, but...a Rheinland Cruiser, the RNC-Alster. waited.
Then more contacts appeared.
Friendly contacts...
"Alright Comrades, let us help Comrado Kozyrev."
The Trotsky, accompanied by a pair of Storm gunboats and a wing of Insurgents, engaged, with the Trotsky raining fire upon the Alster as the Gunboats and fighters routed the RM fighters and bombers. It was over quickly. As the Trotsky and its battlegroup formed and jumped, a lone Insurgent came alongside the Pripyat.
"Damn good flying there Pripyat. Lets go home; Drinks are on you."
"Da, they are...and you are?"
"Jacob Forge."
Artyom nodded. "Let us go then Comrade Forge."
Artyom, sat in his command chair, with only Mya at her station. The rest had gotten off and gone to get drunk.
"Comrade Kosieva, that was brilliant flying."
"Thank you." She got up. The view was still nice. She turned and walked over to Artyom.
"And if you want to see more than that view, I'd suggest doing more than just staring."
Mya allowed a small smile to play on her lips before leaving Artyom. He grinned.
"God. Thank you."
Artyom got up and exited the Pripyat. He ran a hand along the side.
"Pripyat, you held together. Lets do that again."
Artyom headed to the bar to get drunk with his crew. A win's a win.