As was asked in another thread (this is more on-topic), people wish to participate/post as spectators.
Assuming Agmen has no problems with my following terms, please follow;
1.) Do not post too often. A cluttered thread makes a court case even harder than it already is to manage. Short and sweet, or long and rare should be the type of posts made by those not direct participants in the case (lawyers, judge, witnesses).
2.) No excited outbursts. Follow the manner in which Vogel started; That the audience is kept separate from the court room's proper, and unable to be heard by the court itself. Of course, you can definitely post things your character is saying to another character in the audience, and of course his thoughts/feelings.
3.) Characters not directly involved in the incident around Omega-3/FP1 should ask permission before posting. Too many people will also create a cluttered thread. Those who can post without permission; Lawyers for the two sides, Judge, witnesses called (courtroom proper), Freeport 1 residents, administrative members, BAF High Command members, Dakun (Via transmissions sent to your lawyer. Since your character is not physically present.), direct witnesses of the Omega-3 conflicts (lawful characters only. Obviously SCRA and Hessian pilots wouldn't be in the courtroom. Unless being tackled and cuffed by the security guards to be handed over to the police.).
Please keep these three points in mind. They may be updated as needed.
@Agmen; If anyone requests permission to post there from you, make sure to send me a PM as well to let me know you're allowing it.
This thread can also be used for OORP discussions about the case, and feedback.
This thread is not for griping or complaining about the Omega-3 situation itself, or accusing people of doing things for non-RP reasons. Zelot's thread is for that. This thread is for the in-RP court case currently going on.