If you check the com channel you will notice my OSC Free ticket and compettitions, this is an OOC notice to explain them.
You do not have sign up to be counted as "On the Isle Of Man", although small RP posts in the free ticket thread, showing your char boarding are very welcome. You dont have to use an existing character, although I think that would be more fun, you can invent one and have him magically appear for just entering one of the compettitions if you want.
Anyone can enter any of the competitions freely, although some - master debater - require you to sign up, as not everyone can debate at once. When entering a competition a small introduction is neccessary e.g:
"Hi I'm Jessica Wellington, I'm a profesional photographer, and here is a picture I took as we passed through Newcastle"
About the competitions
Photo Op:
Simply enter a screenshot from freelancer - obviously it doesnt have to have been taken from aboard the isle of man IN REAL LIFE - it can be in any system, of anything, however try not to make it too obvious its taken from a different ship BECAUSE IN RP IT IS MEANT TO BE TAKEN FROM ONVOARD THE OSC|Isle.Of.Man - cockpit view/cropping out your ship would be good.
Poetry Corner:
Write a small (or big) piece of poetry, I gave a small example, it MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK!
NO copypasting from the internet, I will check, and its just low.
Master Debator:
I think i explained pretty well in there already, 2 people debate the topic, I decide who has won.
Once one person starts the other can reply straight away, and so on. Please no delays longer than AT MOST 24 hours, if you delay longer than this, you forfiet your turn, and the oppenent take shis next turn.
If there are any questions or suggestions (especially for new competitions) that cant be said in rp, please ask them here.
thankyou, and please enter, we have some good prizes, which reminds me; you will see some of the prizes are cargo shipments - this means that you can for instance, have your trade ship on new london, ask for the luxury consumer goods, and I will ship them to you, switch them to your ship, and then you can sell them. Or whatever other exciting RP you can think of.
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I'll try my hand at the debate. And interestingly, I've got a character who can fill in nicely, who isnt Dane (whose too busy keeping FP1 from blowing up)