Good evening. Pardon me if I dispense with further pleasantries and get down to the imperative business at hand.
Some time ago I was present for the incident which resulted in your appointment as head administrator of that station. I believe you know the circumstances: an insane man who claimed the status of godhood, wantonly endangering the lives of the Freeport and encouraging fighting around its perimeter. It was far from an enjoyable affair, as Dakun was completely averse to all forms of diplomacy and common sense.
One of my contacts was aboard Freeport One when it was assailed by Rheinland warships. He was present on my orders, to report first-hand on the situation developing between the warring parties. According to him, several heavy blasts did indeed strike the station and wreak havoc on the population, killing quite a number. A dreadful affair to be sure, but as horrific as it sounds, there was more to this story than simple "Rheinland aggression."
Yes, according to my contact the station had already been surrounded by warships of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. They claimed to be "protecting" your station from the "capitalist swine," despite the Freeport not being a point of contention, or the location of any skirmishes between the opposing fleets.
It is my understanding that those vessels of the Coalition were the targets intended. And rightly so, for their terrorist operations and nefarious scheming to undermine the very foundation of Sirian civilization has made them the bane of all four Houses.
Mister Summers, the apple does not appear to have fallen far from the tree.
You, Sir, are endangering the Freeport in just as shameless a way as the mental patient before you. Your shortsighted actions and desire to evidently take on the rest of the universe can only result in the destruction of that station and your removal from office. And that's only if you manage to survive.
By now events have been set into motion that I highly doubt can be stopped, especially after such provocation from the likes of yourself and your vaunted "allies." I can only be thankful that the bulk of the population has already been evacuated.
The Foundation will take great pride in helping them rebuild their lives after you've seen them completely destroyed.
Nice speech. Ever since this whole thing started, I've had to deal with more then one unkind word toward my character. Comparing me to Dakun, while that may make perfect sense, is so far from the truth as to be funny. I'm serious. We all had a great laugh about it.
Know why its funny? Because the former administrator really only cared about himself.
What I'm doing is for everyone BUT me.
You don't know me, Miles. Its ok, not many do. My story aint nothing special - but what is, is the fact that I chose to lead this freeport, protect its citizens, and make promises that I would never stop looking out for their well being. If you knew me, you'd know I was nothing before but a spacer with a guitar, and the hope of finding a nice girl to have some fun with. A strong ship underneath me, and the stars to light my way.
I've never been anyone's enemy that didn't start it with me first. Its just my way.
So you see, my interest has not been myself in this. I've lost a ship that I loved, and been nearly killed for my efforts. But I never break my promises. Ever.
I promised these people that I would protect them, but above all, protect their freedom.
Miles, your Bretonian. So this may come as a bit of hard pill for you to swallow - but Bretonia does not, and will never own us. Whatever claims the Queen or Baroness make, this station, and 5k around it, is our sovereign territory, held in trust by all the citizens of this station, to follow the calling of their hearts, and live free. We will never bow to Bretonian imperialism, or its continuing need to own everything within its sight.
We had nothing to do with this war, and we were shot at. For choosing to defend our lives, were called "insurrectionists" - well, buddy, I have to tell you, an insurrection is only when citizens rebel against their government, which is crap, because we were always free. Bretonian imperialism man, that's the only thing that spawned those words.
We were never Bretonian citizens. And we never will be. We will fight for our freedom, and everyone of us may die - but everyone here would rather fight, and die, then live on our knee's, beholden to a monarch greedy for every inch of space. If you had ever had any dealings with this freeport after Dakun's departure, you'd know I dont make decisions on my own - I have a council of citizens, and we all decide together. You believe I'm just the bad apple leading these people to ruin and death? For someone so usually concerned with getting his facts straight, your awfully misinformed.
So, Bretonian, tell your Queen, and tell the Baroness, that this Freeport is ours, will always be ours, and we will defend it till the stars burn out. No matter that we may have to fight the entire universe itself.
We asked nothing but to be free and left in peace. If that wont be given to us, we'll earn it through resistance.
If you have never stood up, fought to defend something precious to your heart, and not for the sake of duty or orders, but of love and longing...
...then you aint got no right to judge us.
Take care Miles, I appreciate your trying to talk sense to me.
But I know you don't, and really cant understand.
But leave it all behind, get a ship, leave house space, explore the stars on the ragged, edge - live in our shoes for a while. Then I guarantee you, you'll understand.