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Recent events in Tohoku and the neighbouring systems are troubling. We have sighted more Order capital and bomber craft in recent days than we have on record. They appear to be amassing forces at Blood Dragon staging points. Either they are responding to a perceived threat deeper in Kusari, or they intend to launch a series of assaults to break the 113th Hanta Iseijin blockade of Omicron 92.
We have detected Battleship size masses lurking at the edges of the Tohoku system. Hanta Iseijin pilots have identified Geb, Resheph and Sehkmet class craft; Battlecruisers, Cruisers and Bombers respectively. We have managed to blunt those forces we have discovered but the probability of Order craft entering Kusari hub space is rising, and presents a clear danger to the State's security. While Tohoku is secure, I would urge increased patrols in Hokkaido and New Tokyo.
Enclosed are Hanta Iseijin recordings of these ships, their communications and, where possible, their destruction. As you will see, these Order terrorists are mentally unhinged, and attempt to spread malicious propaganda wherever possible.
With the greatest of respect,
S. Shirahata
Defence Intelligence Tohoku Branch, Hanta Iseijin, The Arch.
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Audio file. Combat footage.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Kenzou Tenma of the Hanta Iseijin to Order craft.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: You have violated Kusari sovereign space.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Your ships are marked as terrorists.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Explain your trespass, then leave.
Cerberus|AV-Solar.Flare: Cpt,.Gaiman: Don't worry, we already got what we need...
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Then perhaps we will have to take 'what you need' from you.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Supernovas are hot. Releasing payload.
Cerberus|AV-Solar.Flare: Cpt. Gaiman: You already have it. In abundance.
Cerberus|AV-Solar.Flare: Cpt.Gaiman: Oh one thing, [message error] check the [message error] your wing.
Cerberus|AV-Solar.Flare: Cpt. Gaiman: It's YOUR turn to be on the black list.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: For you and your kind there will be no end of death. Your lies will die and be interred in the same grave.
Footage addendum: 123
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Order craft, you are in violation of Kusari borders.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Firing on a Naval Officer is also not a smart move.
Cerberus|Ens.D.Beckz: As113th you are an in
Cerberus|Ens.D.Beckz: [message error]
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: There goes a weapon..
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: You thought you could escape in the clouds?
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: There is no escape for you.
Cerberus|Ens.D.Beckz: Shall we?
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Did we stop?
Footage addendum: 123
Fujiwara.Miku: Uknown contact spotted
Shichigatsu: This was obvious.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: How they cower behind their Blood Dragon cannons. This is the great Order?
Fujiwara.Miku: Order terrorist IFF interesting
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Terrorists and malcontents.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Nothing more.
Fujiwara: I wonder why are they sitting at Dragon hive
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Why do you breach Kusari borders, Order?
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Good day infectee
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: I've already sent one of your Sekhmets to its destruction.
Shichigatsu: Not like we shouldn't expect the Order to attempt to tie themselves to everyone. Playing with Dragons and Kusari.
Fujiwara.Miku: Infectee?
Shichigatsu: Eventually, he's one of those hunting unexistant ones.
Fujiwara.Miku: *she chuckles* It seems they see nomads all around
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: We are the Hanta Iseijin. We defend Kusari from the threats of the Order and the infected. Your accusation is laughable.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: *luaghts*
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Good joke
Shichigatsu: Well, eventually he will find that he's the only infectee ' poisoned by malicious aforethoughts and his paranoia
Fujiwara.Miku: I am afraid I am not in a mood for humor
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: The Order do linger so close to the Nomads.. it would be surprising if some weren't.. subverted.
Shichigatsu: Hai.
Fujiwara.Miku: Now mind explaning me
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Same for Naval
Fujiwara.Miku: Why are you using shelter of Kusari criminals?
Shichigatsu: Sometimes they act is such a unison so thinking that they are all the same, following the same goals, the same methods...
Shichigatsu: is not wrong.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Answer the question of Fujiwara Miku.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: We are observers
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Spies and propagandists.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Nothing more nothing less
Shichigatsu: Liars and conspirators.
Fujiwara.Miku: Observers or not, you are sitting at terrorist base
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Then you have no purpose here.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Pathtic
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Pathetic?
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: *nods*
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: This is Kenzou Tenma-Daii; unsheathing the blade.
Fujiwara.Miku: I will forward this to high command
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: All Hantas have green light for firing solutions.
Fujiwara.Miku: Order terrorist invading with capital vessels
Fujiwara.Miku: using Dragon hives as their shelters
Shichigatsu: This is Anja Misako, putting the ignorance to the end.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: Provost Zacharov: Tenma is infected
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Your lies will be buried with you.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: On a ghost ship.
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: The shields are down! Work that hull!
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Death to all enemies of Kusari!
Shichigatsu: What should be done was done.
Cerberus|RV-Wanderer: QAI: Fool Nomad slave! We will return
113th|Kenzou.Tenma: Your lies hold no sway in Kusari!
Footage addendum: 1234
Once you were true warriors who were fighting to protect our Empire from aliens and infestation, but you have rotted from the inside. Now you are those, against who you were fighting.
Surrender yourselves and we will do all what we can to save you from that plague.
[color=#FFFFFF]Shōshō Tatsuya Mochizuki
Kusari Naval Forces.
This report contains sensitive information pertinent only to command staff. Please forward and delete as applicable.
With the Order launching invasion wave after invasion wave, your command may prove unnecessary. The 113th Hanta Iseijin continue to hold the border. We will do so until the last breath is torn violently from our lips. Our duty remains unchanged. We will protect Kusari. We will guide it with our example, with our sacrifices, towards a better future. At the jump hole to the Omicrons we craft a mausoleum for the invaders, and perhaps also for ourselves.
The Kusari Naval Forces pursue the goals of the politicians admirably, and are unmatched in their skill at warfare. But ours is a thing of long silences, and the shadows of asteroids. We cleave to the nebula and the burn of the star. We bleed red, human blood for Kusari without asking for praise or notice to match our merit.
Then you come to us with this.
We are not the Kempeitai, to offer all our stomachs to be slit to make a point. We are the 113th Reconnaissance and Assault Division and we will continue to fight.
Come to us and we will vanish like ghosts in the heat of the sun, and slip among you.
Leave us and your border is secure.
Kusari ascendant!
S. Shirahata
Defence Intelligence Tohoku Branch, Hanta Iseijin, The Arch.