Gdzie: NA-Xonotic
Propozycja spędzenia wieczoru w ramach integracji z kolegami:
Xonotic 0.5 NA-Xonotic
Serwer listuje jako NA-Xonotic pod
Zatem wieczorem zaciągamy i gramy :)
Gra wygląda jak mix Quake'a z Unrealem. Działa pod Win/Lin/Mac.
Jest szybka, miodna i nie została zgłębiona przez Kudłatego, więc jest szansa pobiegać/poskakać, chociaż przez chwilę.
"All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy" "All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy" "All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy" "All work and no play makes Matt a dull boy" <<< MuS|portfolio|RSF >>>
one important thing - please do not use my serwer to host picture,
save files as *.png on Your PC and then send files to Your own picture-hosting
(such ImageShack, PhotoBucket ect.)
since I have to clean my server for time to time, and delete some files.
' Wrote:Bow before the prophet of the great god Lolwut. He sayeth unto you, "2millordai".
Now I handeth down the laws of Lolwut.
1) Shooteth he who rp, for he is the devil.
2) Demandeth credits from starfleas.
3) Sayeth Lol and typeth smileys to end sentence fragments.
4) Screameth, "Ennngggaagggeee" to appeaseth the evil god "Admin".
5) Attacketh only with capships, and only those who flyeth transports.
These are the laws of the great god Lolwut. Offendeth him at your own risk.
Quote:Powerful Gods with his powers could destroy us all...
They could transfer a whole ship to any system they want....
They could jump without a jump holes...
They could kill without eye contact...
And They send to us their helpers...
Angels - who help a new pilots to find their place in space...
Prey people... or mighty A.D.M.I.N.S will destroy us...
crush us... unmaterialize us... throughput in the dust...
Change people...try to be better...
or they will come and humanity will see what mean dark ages...