I was collecting artifacts from our operatives around Liberty space when I received transmission from Ames station administrator. Enough to say my fighter is not enough to move entire cargo since I request transport from you to pick up cargo from two locations: Freeport 15 and Ames. I am linking original communication channel for details. Furthermore one of artifacts I picked up appears to have rather strange abilities. Previous owner said that it made impossible for him to jettison it in space and destroy artifact. That could be worth of research.
Source: Ellie Hunter, Cape Hope Research Section
Hello miss D'Angelo. I am Ellie Hunter from the Science division. Your transmission is recieved. I will see if a transport from the Logistics Division can be directed your way to help.
Greetings, I'm Samantha Daniels, Captaining Officer of the Luxor, one of the Science Division's pristine logistics ships. We've been alerted to your situation and will move to Freeport XV immediately; be assured this is of extreme priority to us. Please inform your dock master and ships in the area that we are of this priority, and should be treated as such.
But please refrain from informing them as to why that is.
Regardless, our ship and a wing of whatever escorts we can throw together will be enroute shortly. Following collecting the materials from the Freeport, we will return them to Mora, and then make our way with the same haste to Ames.
We thought we'd inform you that we're now moored at Freeport XV and are awaiting transfer of the items. If you could let us know when you're able to securely escort the materials to the docks and transfer them to our ship, we'd appreciate that.
We'll be quite happy to able to research these items, and I'm sure the station masters will be just as happy to have them off their hands.