Can we have done about him please?He's a lolwut going around and shooting people without any RP,buying ships and using them for crazy reasons and generally being an idiot.
I understand that new people deserve to play on this server,everyone deserves to play here,it is a free server,I really enjoy helping out newbies,but when you start breaking all the rules,you get banned once,and then you do it again,then I think that person should be removed from this community permanently.
Admins,please do something about it.This guy has absolutely no concern about any of us and he either is stupid,or is he biggest troll I've ever seen.Seriously,letting this individual play here with us is just a pain for everyone of us.
Most of us here enjoy RPing(including me,I am in 3 factions and I really enjoy RPing with them),and when someone comes with a RH BS and KNF IFF and comes to kill you for 5 times(He didnt kill me,we killed him) without ANY RP WORDS,thrust me,you are going to get very annoyed and will most likely make you leave.
This is not a trial by forum thread,it is just a sincere plead to admins to remove this guy from our community.Our lives are harder for everyone who encounters cristi and gets shot by him.
Please admins,remove him from here and make our lives better!
trial by forums are always a stupid move. if you can't be bothered to file a proper report when wronged, why should everyone else be bothered with useless ranting about it? ::Locked:: -Burg
If any of you wants to contact me,add me on skype and I'll speak to you.