I remember you guys from the beginning. I believe i still had smeagle around during that time, and we'd play chicken a good bit in Liberty.
Now.. I also remember you guys weren't the greatest faction, but promised to improve. I didn't see whether you did or didn't but from the looks of it you did.
Anyways... Your decision is your decision. Was a good run it seems. Welp, cya in space! :3
You did well guys, Sirius will be emptier without you. I'll certainly miss the gunboat-practices and the last faction (to my knowledge) who made us deploy the Moonraker.
And now that I see the sheer number of your claims, I don't feel bad anymore being brought down by you a few times. :)
And here I was, nom-b-nose... Joking, of course, but as a particularly nasty variant of bnose and annoying bomber nonetheless. Was fun while it lasted, heh.:D