I would rather just combine Merc into Freelancer, and combine Slaver and Smuggler into Indy Trader. Limit the Freelancer ID to smaller ships (anything that does not have transport turrets), and Indy Trader to transports (that do have transport turrets).
The houses can declare certain types of ship as illegal, such as slave liner and pirate train.
People can RP as they want.
The best thing would be for IFF to actually reflect player behavior (such as buying slaves lowering your rep), but seems unlikely to happen
' Wrote:I would rather just combine Merc into Freelancer, and combine Slaver and Smuggler into Indy Trader. Limit the Freelancer ID to smaller ships (anything that does not have transport turrets), and Indy Trader to transports (that do have transport turrets).
The houses can declare certain types of ship as illegal, such as slave liner and pirate train.
People can RP as they want.
The best thing would be for IFF to actually reflect player behavior (such as buying slaves lowering your rep), but seems unlikely to happen
This is a sensible idea, the merc and freelancer ID are basically the same thing anyway.