I was hoping that the rule was change coz i sick tired of trader says to caps piss of coz i hate that
in many ocasion i had problem with traders breaking rules when im with my LABC
or when i was raiding cambrige with my legate
with my legate i was furios coz the traders just stay near me and say to me piss of you cant shoot me now come on where is the RP in that they should be scared to death from a sair flag ship not stay near him and say to him piss of
' Wrote:with my legate i was furios coz the traders just stay near me and say to me piss of you cant shoot me now come on where is the RP in that they should be scared to death from a sair flag ship not stay near him and say to him piss of
' Wrote:but i have read some time ago that the ID is over the server rule
That is true and correct.
If it says you may shoot trader, then it overrides the "you may not"-serverrule.
If it doesn't say anything it can't override the rules ye?
' Wrote:I was hoping that the rule was change coz i sick tired of trader says to caps piss of coz i hate that
in many ocasion i had problem with traders breaking rules when im with my LABC
or when i was raiding cambrige with my legate
with my legate i was furios coz the traders just stay near me and say to me piss of you cant shoot me now come on where is the RP in that they should be scared to death from a sair flag ship not stay near him and say to him piss of
It's quite exhausting to read you posts if you write like this.
If a trader is breaking a serverrule you can report him for that.
If he really is saying "piss of you cant shoot me" than he is acting and talking oorp and you can report him for that as well. However if he break a rule that doesn't allow you to do so too (by shooting him).