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i want to mine it myself with kusari whale GMG ID and IFF transport.is there any problem with this?
where can i find the mining spot?near the gas miners near fujisawa?
and what do i shoot with my mining turrets?rocks?
If any of you wants to contact me,add me on skype and I'll speak to you.
Ok. Make sure you have the GMG ID, GMG IFF, one of the GMG mining ships, and a mining turret.
Now you need to find a mining platform to do this. There are locations in Okinawa, Sigma 19 and Sigma 13. GMG's richest cloud is in Okinawa and we mine from there first. Kishiro has a Vanilla NPC lore mining right within 19 alongside GMG but as players we leave room for them and let them have priority pick of 19. Any over flow from either groups goes and mines in 13.
The right platforms will have little ice chunks only visible when you get right up to the platforms. The idea is you are picking it up from the miners not actually mining (in RP even though you are pewpewng the rocks) as the miners do the mining itself.
The mining locations I know of so far is as follows.
Okinawa can be mined in either the North or South part of the Mintaka Nebula
In 19 the Miners in the North West of our Nebula is for Kishiro
In 13 the location is the miners near the JH to 19 (so it's easier to reach from 19 and taking the JH to 13 which is only 8k west of Ogashawa Station)
There are many many platforms in GMG space and since Vanilla days they only showed up on your Nav Map if you zoomed in. The one that are mineable can be seen on the Nav map whether zoomed in or not but you need to fly near them and "discover" them first.
He-3 can be dropped off at the following stations. I'll leave you to see the prices.
Aomori Station in Honshu
Osaka Depot in Honshu
Mannheim Station in Honshu
Pittsbugh Planet in New York
South Shields in NewCastle
GMG is still autorepped red to Samura (yet seemed to have it's long time ability to commit unlawful acts against the same) so count Osaka out. GMG hates Kruger because of the Eighty Year war they started between GMG and Rheinland so count Mannheim out (again out long time ability to sack Kruger ships got lost but is all being fixed.....hopefully)
Whilst technically teh war between Kusari and Bretonia is over - I dont know the status of any rephacks. You could still find yourself red to Kusari. And of course dont forget Gallia now owns Tau-31! You might find it difficult, but not impossible, to fly a large transport through there.
My advice - use Rheinland to get through to GMG space if you are a Bretonian for the timebeing.
Also, if you plan on mining solo - the Whale isnt the best ship for it. Sure its got a big cargo hold - but it turns really slow and its single gun sticks far out in front - so you will be sure to miss crystals that are up close.
The best mining ship for solo mining is the Kamome Transport - available on Aomori Station, GMG base in Honshu.