"Who am I, you might ask? I'll just say I'm a Mercenary that's done some work for someone
you might know as Viva Velasquez. What I did for her isn't important, but what is important
is that I acquired 7 'Brimstone' class
Legion weapons for the Gunboat sized vessel that I control at the moment. At the time of
acquiring them, they weren't classified as Legion weapons, but after some information,
I found that they were Legion Tech. Anyway.
Here's what I propose. I need work right now, and I don't exactly have
many options to look for work. You might ask why I contact you instead of the Navy or
something. Its more of a factor of my previous fields of work that prohibits me from doing
so. And that I'm also after something rather.. specific. I've seen the new toys that the
Legion has employed as of late. In particular, the Gunboat sized one. What I propose is
that the Legion names the terms, but I all want in payment is the fancy new gunboat
of yours. I'll keep it blunt, I'll do anything for it. Its only up to you, however, but I'm
sure the Legion could use a few more hands on deck, so to speak."
I'm Fleet Marshall Dagon, and due to you, i had to be pulled out of my 'sunshine' block where
i am happily conducting the Hellfire Legion R&D teams regarding weaponry and all.
Those turrets you have there? The design went through my hands.
That gunboat you want? The design went through my hands.
Now. I am not the kind of man to say no at the first meeting and all..
But i'll tell you what can you do.
Since you know Velasquez and all, and she's a friend to my sister, i am going to give you one chance.
You heard it right.
One chance.
To return those turrets.
'Cause, i know very well that the electronic conductors on those things don't work the kind of shinny you are expecting.
Add that to power hungry lovers they are, and the material requirements, like iridium just to make the couplings,
you have yourself one pricey set of turrets that won't do jack all on another's man skiff except one of the Legion.
Return them, and the boys in the lines won't blast you to space dust.
And since you pulled me out of my research, i'm going to end this with style,
just to answer your whole request.
A video feed showing a burning Sabre in space, with an identifiable Maltese cross painted on the side of the open cockpit.
"I find this amusing."
"So lets get one thing straight. No matter what, the turrets are staying where they are, and That's -already- mounted on my ship. Perhaps you don't realize that I ask very little of you. And maybe that just because its one versus many doesn't mean I still can't be a very annoying thorn in your side. I gave you my offer, and it still stands. Whether you take it or not is a big factor in how I react if I see any of your boys or girls in the field. Toss me a single ship, and you'll save yourself lives, ships, and some of your pilots. And then I owe you one, and work for you for a damn long time. He yawns loudly
One man in the right place can topple anythings. Its David and Goliath right here, just how it is compared to the house of Liberty and yourselves.
Choose wisely. Or many of your ships could look like the one I chose to display.
Could have guessed your ego would be the size of your opponents. Doesn't matter. I'll be sure to link into this channel every time I kill one of your pilots until you change your minds.
Sit back and watch the show, *Static*