O sorry Captain. I am just trying to protect you and anyone you decide to take near one of these devices. Go ahead by all means, but I did warn you. So when you come back with radiation damage to your internal organs don't come knocking on my door. As I said, I tried to protect you, the devices emmit some kind of radiation and we also use radiation to help us in our research of both devices. These radiation levels are extremely high, especially when we are making tests from a safe distance from the devices. It is obvious that you are the one roadblocking as it were. I am just doing my job. I have warned you it is not healthy to go near them, and yet you want to take a tone with me and the Liberty Security Force that is beyond comprehension, that being you making things up just so you can have a go at us. I find that wrong. Now if you please I have to start getting ready to perform some operations that is more important then talking to a Captain who believes a health risk is worthy of being ignored, an extreme one at that.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:LSF high command and Capt. Catherine Raven SUBJECT:Nomad gate ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
Hale here.
LSF high command did not inform me of the presence of this gate. Nor did they inform me of the presence of the gate in Omicron Minor (which I can only assume is a large part of why the order is no longer present in Minor), nor did the LSF inform me of the nomad gate in Kansas, which just so happens to be right in the Navy's back-yard.
Please, Director Brown, if you wish to say things, at least make sure they're accurate, and cease trying to hoodwink an extremely experienced and capable officer under my command. Captain Raven is more than competant, and I have no doubt in my mind that she would be more than capable of doing your job.
Furthermore, Doctor Lawson. We've had a lot of experience regarding these nomad gates. Infact my own personal experience involving such matters almost doubtlessly exceeds your own. I am well aware of the dangers and would under no circumstances send officers under my command into a situation in which they were ill prepared or incapable of dealing with the possible consequences. There is a reason I advised caution in my initial responce to this transmission, and why I suggested I accompanied the team dispatched to look into this.
Miss Brown, if Doctor Lawson ever so much as opens his mouth to any one of my officers in future, I will ensure his career comes to an abrupt halt.
The LSF have been have been disrepectful, superiour and obnoxious. The LSF have also deliberately given misinformation to one of my officers (regarding the LSF informing me of these gates, which they did not), and attempted to seed doubt in the mind of one of my officers as to the level of trust I place in them. Miss Brown, tell me how you would react if I attempted to make it so officers under your command ceased to trust your word.
Your arrogance astounds me, even after all these years.
I don't think it has even entered your mind that I might be incredibly angry about this MASSIVE breach of protocol and common decency.
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Greetings Admiral Hale,
Now that I have your attention we can speak with open cards on the table. I'm sure that I once mentioned the gate in front of you without telling you the location, but Admiral in the time we didn't know the exact location nor we run any operation on it. Several hours before Captain Ravens message we set the team near to the gate and our operation started, at the moment I was very busy with report you are speaking about and I pointed Doctor Patric Lawson to reply and actually inform you about our progress. LSF asked for few hours without interference in the field because there was a chance that our work might fail but I assume Captain lost track with reality and forgot that we are actually working for the same team.
As far as Doctor Lawson is concerned'¦ You have to excuse his tone, the recent weeks have been harsh on him. There were quite some matters he had to attend to. The amount of our current projects also resulted in longer shifts for all RD&A personnel. So, it is obvious that Doctor Lawson may be a bit annoyed when he is distracted from his research. The Captain's retorts to his initial message may have caused the things to go further than it was supposed to go. But I'm sure you can understand that.
Now, to the not-so-pleasant part. I really wish I could skip that, but it's what needed to be said. Your attempts of questioning the competence of my colleagues, have been noticed. I can't blame you for that, because the LSF representatives were not the example of ideal diplomats in this case either. And honestly speaking, has it not come to your mind that those existing tensions AREN'T ONLY OUR FAULT?
Yes, some of the Navy officers may have perceived certain comments of the LSF operatives as insults. Yet the same applies to the LSF agents, who aren't also treated by the Navy as they should be according to the protocols. You yourself have just pointed out that (in quite a subtle way) that the career of our chief researcher could come to 'abrupt halt'. Of course, I use it just an example. So, the issue does exist, but it's not only our fault.
Now, once the issue has been pinpointed, we can actually start solving it. I guess, the only solution would be some sort of 'fresh start' of the cooperation between the Navy and the LSF. It would mean the complete reboot of relations between our structures. The reboot which would have to be based on MUTUAL respect. As I mentioned on the start few hours passed and we are ready to meet your team on the field, of course doctors work will be shared soon.
Miss Anna Brown
Director of Liberty Security Force
Liberty Security Force
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