This is an idea I've been toying around with for a bit, And i'd like to see what the community thought before making a serious effort.
Garry's mod can make some quite high quality stuff. Freelancer can look rather silly at times, but hey, I'm sure with a little work you could make it look fairly cinematic.
What would you guys think of a lengthty (30-70 minute) movie set in the Freelancer universe using both Gmod and Freelancer? I've been looking around and found many useful maps in Gmod that, with a little imagination and texture redecoration, could be used as FL ships and stations. There's even a freelancer mod that converts dozen of ships into usable props in Gmod. I also have a plot in mind that I've been mentally adding to for a week, but would love any ideas for the story too! If anybody wants a summary of what I've got so far, please, PM me and I'll share, cause I want to know if it's decent or crap :P.
Things that would be needed include a couple dozen voice actors, organizing a dozen people onto a single FL server, hook them up with specific ships and load outs to act out exterior scenes. A good number might just be flybys, dramatic shots of fighters/bombers/caps, but also a couple of larger battle scenes that would require a few players. This would also require me to finally learn how to host my own server!
Other things that I would love to have help with due to lack of knowledge to do myself include GIFs and animations for bridge consoles and the like on the ships - I saw this really cool GIF somebody has for an avatar of an LABC, I'd love to do something like that. And possibly damaged models of certain ships the movie would use, because having some capital ships look the same near death as fresh out the yard might break immersion a tad.
Of course when the credits rolled anybody and everybody who helped would be in the credits :D. It might bring more people who have never played FL to disco, which is never bad for an old game. What would community interest in such a project be?
3ds max works too.
You can import the freelancer ships to it. All you need to do it it's some whealty imagination, tons of time and alot of skills with photoshop, sony vegas, sound forge