Any plans as to making one with the intention of it being a corporate ship?
I do not mean their assault transport, that is heavily implied to be a military ship and it would irk me to fly one as in the role of a trader.
Right now we have their freighter, a rather nice one at that...the Briller repair ship, which cannot really trade... the Rock Badger, a rather low capacity mining ship... and above that we have the trains.
So we have a couple civilian ships with less than 1000 cargo, and the trains that hold above 4000 cargo each, but nothing in the middle other than the assault transport... and well the liner but that is too expensive to be a really practical mid sized ship.
So any plans for a civilian Gallic transport with a capacity somewhere around 2000-3000?
Or are we gonna stick with the freighters and trains?
(Ignore the fact that the l'Ane exists, not like you can fly that under the EFL or Solar flag)
for 4.87 there will be one more liner (luxury liner - because current Gallic liner is not luxury version of that ship but rather a commercial one and thus cargo pods on the bottom of the ship) and i think mid sized transport could be made with ease....even several of them just for diversity...