It needs a buff to atleast 900k-730 ish
I mean comeon
its 650k
its HUGE, and it only fires 2 primaries backwords. Oh and you die rather quick to npc BS's for some reason oO
You definitely have to learn how to fly properly. The only 2 "problems" it has -
1)it's very unversatile, can be used only against battleships. (yes devs, with turretsplitting and current turret arcs mako now has a very narrow specialization). because you can't charge into heavy battleships, and only 2 primary slots fire backwards - which require you to install anti-cap weaponry into your lvl10 slots (that do shoot backward), no IF's.
2)and it has horrible anti-snub capabilities, because with 2 obligatory flaks (both cover 180 degree hemispheres on the sides), you're left with only 2 lvl8 guns shooting sideways (2 on right, 2 on left). Although, all light battleships have this "problem", so I bet it's made for balance purposes. (and personally I'm fine with it.)
But if you use it in a team, you get a good force multiplier against enemy caps. If you're not using it in a team, you're doing it wrong, because in Omicrons noone will watch at you being alone, they will just gank you 15:1
TL;DR - mako is fine. Unversatile, but fine. And, did I mention it's in the Osiris league in terms of kiting now?
The Mako is a lot better now than it used to be. Yes, it has trouble dealing with heavies. But then again. send 2 makos on 1 heavy and be done with it.
gank? gtfo.
2 weaker ships vs 1 rather potent one (legate comes to mind) is a perfectly valid tactic.
' Wrote:The Mako is a lot better now than it used to be. Yes, it has trouble dealing with heavies. But then again. send 2 makos on 1 heavy and be done with it.
gank? gtfo.
2 weaker ships vs 1 rather potent one (legate comes to mind) is a perfectly valid tactic.
eh? Imo, it's way better against heavies then against light battleships. Just like Togo.
Unless you're fighting an experienced player that has certain skills in dealing with a kiting enemy.
It all applies to one on one situations, of course. In 2x2 and more your kiting abilities suddenly go down due to enemy crossfire, that negate your kiting. (i'm talking about battleships only)
900k on the mako? Are you kidding? ranseur has 980k. Vs snubs, if don't want to die fast, you have to fly it like an fighter and .FACE the oponent. And it's slim profile gives a hard time for another BS to hit it. 2 class 9 guns backwards are well enough to toast any turtle, as you will use the mortars in combination with primaries.
Or use the battlecruiser and REALLY kite now that the thing has a thruster. The Mako is a light battleship. It does not survive a slugout with a dread at close range, nor is it intended to.
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