Credit cards were added to the game as a way to transfer money between chars from the same account. Just put 2 ships at a close distance (~200m), jettison a credit card from one, swich chars (without leaving server) and beam the credit card up.
Be sure that the CC is in space before switching chars. And that the other char is in space near the one who jetissoned the card.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
If you want to make quick money you can get some VIPs from manhattan and fly them to freeport in Bering and sell them there. 10K per unit, great if you don`t want to risk too much going to the border worlds.
My companions are:
Snake Eyes -- My freelancer char.
Snakes Transport -- My brother and my economics guy.
[VS]Skull1 -- If you see this one online she might give you certain assistance or help in some way. She is also my armorer.
"I`m not much of a philosofer, but if you want to know what i beleive, i`ll tell you. I beleive the greatest threats to our freedom actually start small, they begin as random events that most people don`t even notice. But they grow, they multiply, they start chain reactions that threaten the entire world. Some people call that fate, i call it Chaos Theory. But beleiving in Chaos Theory doesn`t mean you have to surrender to it"