Browsing thought the news you see a publication that says "The Shrink's Insights". Wondering what it might be, you read a few lines...
[color=#33CC00]Did you ever wonder how others see the world?
Why do people react the way they do? Can you predict them? If you are
asking these questions, then we might have a few answers! "The Shrink's
Insights" provides you with top stories and interviews with people who you
know, who think differently from the rest, who have ascended to the top
or have fallen to the bottom of society! We are here to tell you how they
got there and what do they think about today's state of affairs!
Our lead psychologist, Ms Mara Arin, travels to the far corners of Sirius to
bring you new and exciting stories from people who wish to voice their
opinions or have an interesting and unusual lifestyle to share. Her assistant,
Mr Alan Mitusu, reviews all data and presents it in a readable, interesting
and pithy manner, so you can enjoy the content wherever and whenever!
If you have a question, opinion, story or any feedback regarding our
content, feel free to send us a letter in which you can write whatever
you wish! All constructive criticism is welcome and so is your interest in
our work. Mailbox channel!
Stay tuned for more exciting stories and interviews!
Mark of the Paragon
<div align="right">"For all her contributions to the Guild, with an unparalleled zeal and professionalism..." - Takeshi Ogawa</div>
Today, we bring you a story of a man who many would call mad because of his attitude and anarchistic behavior. He
broadcasted a message to the whole Sirius announcing he will take away anyone's and everyone's cargo, not caring
for the money unless they pay him the tribute in advance or tag their ship with letter "J". The message can be read here.
The Joker, as he likes to call himself, allowed us to conduct an interview in a secluded location with a few
companions watching over him. As a man with so many enemies it's only understandable to be careful, but the
interview proceeded without any interruptions.
Here is what our chief psychologist and interviewer Ms Mara Arin had to say:
"When I was contacted (by The Joker) I felt a sense of dread. I knew I was going to do this alone, not knowing what
would happen to me... but I knew I had to do it. I didn't want to anger him as he made a few threats against me and
those I work with, I didn't want my curiosity to hurt others. When I came to the agreed location, a base nearby
started shooting at me and took out the shield! I thoughts "this is the end..." I turned quickly hoping it will stop
shooting... but I took another hit directly to the engine. Thankfully, by the time i got hit again, I was far away from
the it and turned around towards the ships that stood between me and the base. One of the was The Joker's ship. He
greeted me and introduced his companions and I quickly begun as he said his time was precious. After the interview
we parted and I slowly cruised to the nearest friendly base on which I landed to make the repairs needed. It was an
exciting yet frightening experience that ended well."
Let us enter "The Maw of Madness", enjoy the journey!
[color=#CC6600]Q: Introduce yourself and tell us something about you.
A: I'm a product of this two-faced world, a clown, I'm everything what common man is
afraid to be. I can thank my dad for planting a seed as it's safe to say that I inherited some aggressiveness from him.
He was an idiot. I'm actually nothing like him... I'm nothing like anyone out there.
Q: Tell me what do you do and why.
A: You already know the answer to that... I'm into disorder business and I really like doing it.
The notion that order exists, that balance can survive in this chaotic world ' is an illusion. I'm a reminder. I'm here to
remind people who they really are. We're nothing but animals and I don't mean that forest kind of nice animals...
We're vicious predators, murderers. Just because we give it a different name, doesn't justify anything. No one is
innocent and we all have some dark thing that we don't want anyone to find out. We've all done something to harm
someone or something. It's like a shadow on your back... you can't run away from your shadow now can you? That's
the difference... I'm not ashamed of what I am.
Q: What is your opinion on the ruling bodies in Sirius and their policies?
A: I despise those that try to hide behind their fake laws. They buy and sell fear, keep people
on a short leash. That kind of people are my favorite kill.They say I'm a murderer while they authorities use of
unnecessary force all the time. You can't tell me that no one ever got hurt, but who didn't suppose to... so much
secrets, so much lies. They're polluting planets and then move on, but they call it industry... just another word for
murder. I wish to see no government as the notion of order is an illusion. We'd do better if we had anarchy installed.
Their laws didn't stop wars and famine, now did they?
Q: What are your thoughts on the people that inhabit Sirius?
A: There's no cure for a disease which is called humanity. We would never learn anything,
not in a million years. That's why I kill... it's fun... it's entertaining... it's pure. They're a bunch of degenerative idiots
with few exceptions. Most of them are just waiting for someone to put them out of their misery, like ghosts who
don't even realize that they died a long time ago. They gather wealth, they gather stature within 'society' and for
what? To feel better about themselves? To 'help' someone? These people will eat each other. Humanity will cease
to exist sooner rather then later and I surely wouldn't mind. We all have to pay our debts and humanity owes it to
Q: What can you tell me about your organization's members?
A: These rapists, murderers, ex-doctors, lawyers, the people in my crew... they simply
understand what I do. It doesn't matter who I am to them. What I do is what attract them... they are simply tiered of
hypocrisy, aren't you? There are about seven of them... and this long lost robot that I misplaced in space. I could
recruit twenty additional members right now, but where would be the point. I like to choose only the special
candidates, the ones with talent... talent to kill. Other talents aren't necessary, killing with style is sufficient.
Q: What would you like to tell your supporters outside of your organization?
A: 'Put |J'!
Q: What does the |J tag mean and why are you giving the people a choice?
A: Money is that matters them the most. Money is what feeds their false morale, so why
don't we simply disrupt the inflow of cash? I always like to give people a choice... they pay the tribute of they put the
tag. It's not about the money, I'll prove that soon. It's about proving them that they have to fear me... better to fear
me with style then some idiot who'd rob them for several millions. They should fear loosing their life...
Q: Why did you make such a loud entrance into Sirius?
A: For fun, what else. I entered the scene along time ago, but there is still only one way for
me to operate... it's with deafening noise. People won't listen to kind words unless you're talking to them kindly
while stabbing them in the neck.
Q: There are mixed opinions about you... some support and some despise you... what are your thoughts on that matter?
A: Those that despise me should get in line... I work better that way. They are doing me a
favor... I've seen it happening before. Huge fleets, especially in Liberty, trying to catch me, to kill me, to make me
suffer. It's really fun... it's free advertisement! And for those that support me... put |J tag.
Q: Do you have any enemies or people you want dead?
A: No... I don't want anyone dead. I don't want to see them disappointed... I want to see
them realize how futile their attempts to control things really are. They can't do that if they're dead. Besides... one
idiot dead will soon after be replaced by another. They're like a unsatisfied portion of my audience... If however I do
kill someone, I do it primarily because he was standing in my way of some greater achievement.
Q: Did anyone, to this date, best you and what do you have to say to people who are trying?
A: There were some people who'd win a fight against me or set me into a trap. It's all in the
past... it's really irrelevant. You can't always win. Those who are trying should just keep on trying... again, more fun
for me. We all have tendencies to make our lives a little more livable... I won't hide my ego nor will I put it behind my
Q: Is there anything you'd like to add?
A: My message would be: 'You can all go to hell while I'm having fun all around! A-hahaha-aaa-haha...'
<div align="right]
Mark of the Paragon
<div align="right">"For all her contributions to the Guild, with an unparalleled zeal and professionalism..." - Takeshi Ogawa</div>
A few days ago I had a pleasure meeting a noble lord of Kusari in his lavish yacht. He is no longer in power with the
change of government to a more democratic system, but he still retained many qualities an autocrat should have.
Before I even landed, I had to pass through a fleet of ships which indicates there are still many loyal subjects that
serve him. Captain of his lordship's Royal Guard, Commander Ueno, had me under guard for the duration of the
interview, but I didn't mind. To further prove his manners, he and his lord gifted me a wonderful robe specially
woven for me which, as he put it, would protect me against all those that mean me harm.
Enter the mind of Lord Hibiki and enjoy the journey!
[color=#FF6600]Q: Please introduce yourself and tell us something about your family
A: My name is Hibiki Kamida, I am the current Lord of the Kamida family, holder of the archives and head figure for
the Kamida Assembly. As the head of the family, I would be tasked with overseeing negotiations in the name of the
Kamida's and tasks of similar nature, but due to my current health condition I have to rely on my relatives to do it in
my stead and my son Kaito. The condition I suffer from is one I gained from birth. In my younger days it was a thing I
could cope with 'mind over matter' however, as the years went by I lost my psychical strength.
Q: How would you describe the Kamida Assembly, you are a head of?
A: The Assembly was born out of tradition, it's goals being removal of corrupt corporations that control Kusari and
bring a more imperialistic style of rule back, from times when Kusari was once a great nation. When my father was
on his deathbed he told me his last words of wisdom: 'It doesn't matter what you believe you could have done, it
only matters what you have done'. We want to rest easier at night knowing that at least what we have done is
trying to make Kusari great again. We think that with tradition comes trust which has server our forefathers and so it
shall server us. With honor, we not only see how others value us, but how how much we value ourselves.
Q: What makes you think corporations are corrupt?
A: Corruption comes in many forms... the corporate figures care only about the money, not for honor or integrity, as
they only want to make a profit, no matter who they hurt in the process. In my younger days when I was a blissful
child I remember some men in black suits who came to my father and offered him wealth, which all men dreamt of,
in return for our land. Every time they came, when they offered gifts and treasure, he turned their offer down. One
day I asked him why didn't he take the money after which he smiled upon me and took me atop the battlements of
our palace. He gestured towards the farmers who were in the distant fields sowing and reaping the harvest. He told
me that no amount of money can ever replace the duty he has towards those people out in the fields, that no man
of amount of money can stop him from carrying out his duty.
Q: What can you tell me about the Assembly's members?
A: All of our capable family members have been put into it's command, but aside from those the bulk of it's force
comes from those who will resist this dishonorable regime, who will stand and be counted. Although we hope to
remove this regime, we hope to do so with our honor intact and our heads held up high above those that we call
corrupt. There have been many who have been instrumental in the Assembly's campaign, I have left my son Kaito
with running the majority of it and he appears to be keeping things in line.
Q: What would you tell to those that don't see the fine line between the Assembly, Farmer's Alliance and Blood
A: We share a similar goal with the Alliance, although our solution is much more absolute. They would remove some
corporate powers, but not other, yet we strive to see Kusari free of any corrupting corporate power, be them within
Kusari or outside of it. On the other hand, with the shogunate we share similar goals, however it is again about the
scale of their end goal. They simply hope to gain revenge on Samura, they do not care much for other corporate
powers. Simply put, if you want to kill a weed, you must kill it at it's source as cutting it's leaves will solve little.
Q: With what other organizations is the Assembly involved?
A: I would say it is too early to say who will truly stand with us. The Assembly does indeed have leads and possible
groups who share as our beliefs although at the moment we wouldn't wish to make any definite claims. To those
that support us I'd like to say we will always stand for people who we respect. This is not only a measure of military
strength, but it is one of morals and honor.
Q: What about those who wish to join the Assembly? What could you offer them that other's couldn't?
A: The Assembly will offer a place to stay for all those that will stand against the common foe. In that regard, we will
always respect those that stand besides us and persue our goals. We will never forget to reward those that show the
effort and determination towards this combined goal. Perhaps the most important thing of all would be that those
that join us would not be judged for what they did in the past, but what they will do in the future and be treated not
as startled children, but as warriors, men and women who are capable for standing for what they believe in.
Q: As the last question, I'd like to ask for your opinion on the current political situation in Sirius.
A: I can only speak for Kusari and Gallia about that respect. Kusari, from my personal experience, has fallen into
anarchy, chaos and not much is different in other systems across Sirius as far as I've heard. Gallia... Gallia has
changed... I'm not sure if it's for the better or the worse.
Q: Is there anything you'd like to add?
A: You seem to have covered everything, I'd just like to tell you I appreciate you seeing this old fragile man. I know
it's been quite a long process of getting here, but with the recent events, my captain of the guard tightened up
security. As a sign of my appreciation, please accept this dress. May it always protect you from danger.
<div align="right]
Mark of the Paragon
<div align="right">"For all her contributions to the Guild, with an unparalleled zeal and professionalism..." - Takeshi Ogawa</div>