I'm currently stuck in Connecticut with no way of getting.
I use the new command /conn to go to Connecicut.
I undocked from the base, than docked right back to the base.
I did the command /return and I was still at the same base.
I hope an Admin can move my character, and hopefully fix this bug.
*Edit* Sorry forgot to put character name. =LSF=Reno.Ashford
*Second edit* Problem was fixed (got fixed before I even put character name o.O haha thanks)
Can we have some better solution about this problem cannon? I'm sure that lots of people left their ships in Connecticut and i'm one of them, perhaps you can move all ships from Connecticut to another base?
Hey, I'm also imprisoned in Connecticut. RFP|Det.Klaus.Lange. , Mjolnir. Earlier I was in Hamburg, typed /conn , switched from New Haven to Orange station. Now, /return redirects me to Orange station.
It's a trap!
Help me, please! RFP have orders to destroy any non-authorised buildable bases, they need me!