[font=Tahoma]J&J Consultants is an long-existing enterprise that focuses on management of large facilities of all kinds. Taking its roots in supporting many small enterprises that intended to profit from the resource rush of the past years, J&J Consultants has built up a reputation for quick and highly efficient logistic management solutions for these endeavours.
A matter often undervalued during plans of expansion in space is the often drastic difficulty of establishing solid and reliable supply lines to keep the new outpost operational and guarantee a comfortable life for all residents.
As many Houses and factions have opened the possibility for private entrepreneurs to establish permanent residences in space, there has been a huge surge in expansionist activities. However, many of these start ups seem to go about their task in a bit naive manner. Having a great economical idea is very important, but this will not be able to float your base alone. At least not during the phase of construction and establishment.
This is where J&J Consultants come into play. Thanks to their great expertise in past large-scale operations as well as the finer points and loopholes in setting up the newest kinds of bases, Jensen and Jacobo will be glad to assist any economical growth in Sirius or Gallia.
J&J's service comes in 3 different flavours:
[size=medium]Package One)
Answers to all your questions regarding permanent space residences! Don’t want to fight through the ominous jungle that is the hotline for the D.E.V.S.? Need a clear and precise answer right now? Contact J&J Consultants! We can offer profound expertise concerning most areas of stellar economy. The first session is for free! The 2nd and further appointments can be arranged starting at 5 million credits per session.
Package Two)
In-detail-analysis of all expansion possibilities, including all production facility options as well as final product requirements. All combined with additional calculations that allow to easily find out the cost and number of transports required for each module. This is a basic package which we can offer you for a small sum of 45 million credits. This does not include support or updates.
Package Three)
Customers that intend to develop not only a mere lounge in space, but actually want a profitable and productive facility, will know that the background management of supplies and using available manpower to maximum benefit can be intensely time-consuming. This is where our third and most detailed product comes into play. It includes product 2, but adds highly elaborate and refined calculation templates that allow a clean and simple overview over all concerns of your new base. Be it details for the construction process of new modules and management of the various deliveries required or mere status checks of your base’s fuel reserves and repair crews. You just have to update your current base commodities every now and then, the rest is calculated and presented fully dynamic by the template!
This is a huge time- (and nerve-)saver when you want to make sure your permanent residence really remains permanent and doesn’t get looted just because you missed to bring in a new fuel reserve in time!
It also is an invaluable help when you have decided to procure a larger residence for multiple residents and multiple suppliers - usually on a corporate structure.
The possibility to lay out detailed assignments for each new module construction progress helps keeping things highly organized. Every supplier will be able to see at a glance WHAT resources are still required, if another supplier is already working on a particular individual flight and the managers themselves will be able to easily see who has helped the most or where problems arise. Assigning priority assignments obviously is no problem at all, as well.
All this will only cost you 125 million credits! This includes one month of premium support and updates. Monthly extensions of the support contract can be purchased for 25 million credits.