Get some solid roleplay with DSE or the Gallics.
Sensible roleplay that is.
Not "My friend runs DSE so he gave us all the tradelanes".
Then you might have a chance for that.
Do remember that tradelanes are a massive investment though and are only really useful when the volume of trade reaches a certain level. Much like implementing new public transport systems in cities, they have to be of a certain size to really be efficient.
' Wrote:All well and good Ageira agreeing to supply you the goods but if DSE don't ship them, no tradelanes.
That's just... wrong.
Ageira makes the parts.
DSE builds the gate/lane superstructure
Universal ships the parts
Ageira installs the parts
DSE puts on the finishing touches.
In all of that, only Ageira is essential. Universal and DSE can be swapped out for other companies if they don't want to play ball. The reason they're not is because Ageira trusts them and has long standing contracts with them, and the two are not stupid enough to say no to Ageira considering the profit margin.
Personally I don't see them having an issue with it so long as Liberty never finds out (or important people are at least paid off not to care), and the Corsairs stop shooting their transports.
It would certainly be lucrative.
EDIT: Oh, and the Brets would certainly have to be kept in the dark... I actually already had a plan for this sort of thing set up, but it was with the Outcasts, and it was a Planetform plan.. But it's easily adapted.