Greetings. Now that Discovery comes along with all the needed files to run a server, I suppose this guide is in order.
IPv6 is the bane of a Freelancer server. Your server will show up on the list, if you try to connect to it on the server machine. However, the IP will look something like this:
In order to prevent that, you need to disable IPv6. This is how it is done:
Down on your desktop, click on the networking icon:
After that, open the Network and Sharing center.
There you will need to open the properties of your current network connection:
Once there, you simply need to uncheck the IPv6 profile like so:
Easy so far? Yes. Now for the hard part.
Open the Registry Editor by pressing the Windows Key and R to open the RUN command:
Then, open the registry you see in this picture
You are looking for the component highlighted here
If for some reason you do not have an entry named Disabled Components, you will have to make one. While still having the Parameters folder selected do this:
Name the new entry DisabledComponents and type
In the box like so:
After you click OK, simply restart your machine and enjoy your server.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: