Why are you shooting at KNF ships after the KNF ordered your Zoner alts (which you use to help supply your base) out of Kusari? Furthermore, why are you using the fact that the KNF shoot your Zoner alts as some kind of standpoint for a KSP civilian rebellion after you become official?
Fuuuurthermore, why are you ignoring the consequences after shooting the KNF? They sent you a transmission, you did nothing about it.
I'm sorry but, this can't be just "swept under the rug" because the 3 months of your trial period are over and the Admins are about to vote. Because, well, this is kind of important.
Quote:Why are you shooting at KNF ships after the KNF ordered your Zoner alts (which you use to help supply your base) out of Kusari?
Nope. Also that's against the Zoner ID rules.
Quote:why are you using the fact that the KNF shoot your Zoner alts as some kind of standpoint for a KSP civilian rebellion after you become official?
Again, Nope. That's just silly, KSP only care for Kusari, not some silly Zoners.
Quote:Fuuuurthermore, why are you ignoring the consequences after shooting the KNF? They sent you a transmission, you did nothing about it.
The Issue was resolved privately, That post will be responded to within 48 hours.
Quote:I'm sorry but, this can't be just "swept under the rug" because the 3 months of your trial period are over and the Admins are about to vote. Because, well, this is kind of important.
I agree, Steps have already been taken. Thanks for noticing though.
My thoughts are that you should not assume so much, with so little information. My skype is open for you to come and ask me what is going on. Rather than making a public spectacle of yourself with unbased assumptions.
Further note: Shooting at KNF ships on KSP ships is actually against the rules for our ID, I'd never do such a thing.
Thanks for the feedback, hope this cleared some things. Contact me on skype for further information regarding this, or wait for our response in the mentioned thread Patiently.
' Wrote:My thoughts are that you should not assume so much, with so little information. My skype is open for you to come and ask me what is going on. Rather than making a public spectacle of yourself with unbased assumptions.
So you're saying that shooting KNF as KSP because of your Zoner alts didn't happen and after that you say that the issue has been resolved privately. If you didn't shoot them or threaten them with something, what issue was there? Got tangled up there didn't you? And, resolved privately on Skype? I doubt that, since then the thread in the communications section wouldn't exist.
Unbased? Hardly. I got my information from the people that were involved.
Public spectacle? Hardly a spectacle. Public? Yes. You can't delete what you say here like you did on Skype.
Oh and, of course I'll wait patiently. I just wanted to make sure you don't "sweep it under the rug", as you requested on Skype from several people. You can't fool and mislead everyone you know. Eventually, people find out.