Hey there guys.
I was doing my starter trading until I went to California Minor and bought the Mammoth Liberty transport ship. I thought it was the best bet for a 10m transport.
Since I'm a Kusari aligned char, I went back to Kusari space hauling FloraGro from Cali Minor. I sold the cargo and equipped the Kishiro Technologies ID. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing until I flew with the ID for the first time, getting a powercore nerf. After some research on the forums and wiki, I found out about the tech chart and the compatibilities between IFF's and tech's.
After this, I hit player status just to check on my reps. I found out that I had new enemy factions:
Gallic Brigands
Junker Guard
Rheinland Military Guard
Colonial Military (aint sure about this one)
Zoner Guard
Bretonia Armed Forces Guard
Liberty Security Forces
Now I'm aware that all of them are normal for a Kishiro ID except the LSF one. So if I trade in Liberty, I'm gonna possibly have a hard time, I didn't want that at all.
I spoke with a few people online about this, one of them said it could possibly be a repninja issue.
Would it be because I was flying the mammoth and equipped a Kishiro ID(Kusari) ? Or because I transported FloraGro to kusari space through a Mammoth or something else ?
Not sure why the LSF is red to Kishiro... likely a rep hack issue, or just the LSF being xenophobic. The red reputation has nothing to do with what ship you got or what you were carrying in your cargo bay... rep can only be changed by missions, killing NPCs, or causing player characters to get mad at you and them requesting the admins to change things for them... but that is not likely the case here.
but luckily LSF NPCs rarely spawn in Liberty space, and they have no bases there (they only really have guard bases and places in Alaska) so that it is very unlikely that the hostile rep will cause you to aggro the Liberty NPCs
Any player ships with an LSF IFF or ID may show up as red on your radar, but they should not shoot you, Kishiro is a civilian corporation, and the LSF has no interest in harming civilians in their space... though there is the chance that if you meet one in Rheinland they may be less friendly. The LSF occasionally runs spy missions in Rheinland and that may include disrupting the economy, IE anyone trading with them....
but such events are rare these days, and the LSF may not want the black mark on their records.
The normal LSF starting rep is red/hostile to everyone. This is not a bug.
It's not an issue for traders since there are no LSF npcs in the unrestricted systems. Beware of Zone-21, however...
LSF rep can be increased by taking LSF missions from Planet Manhattan (rare to find) or by taking Liberty Navy or LPI missions.
Edit: It is hostile by default simply because no NPCs are present in the first place, eliminating the need to create an LSF npc guard variant for their Guard system.
NPCs react by "Red is dead". Players react by...
Oh wait...
Well some of them react according to the roleplay circumstances.
If you run into an LSF player, you should be fine.
Also, a little tip. Kusarians tend to be somewhat xenophobic. Most likely will use their own Kusarian ship rather than some foreign produced ship. No worries, nothing wrong with flying a Mammoth, just a tibbit of Kusarian roleplay that's all.