I was wondering if there was a way to have a missile that fires and then has a delayed fuse for like 10 seconds, then explodes on its target. Could be a new weapon for Disco, but it would be expencive ingame and would only be found in a location where not every player can get their hands on. I do have the Wings 3D, so Ill try to make a model of the missile. The Idea is called the "Harpoon Warhead". Does hull damage, but 1/3 of the damage to shields of Hull, depending on fighter or Capital. If freelancer engine wasnt as old as the hills, maybe it could have had some beeping like a Combine door-charge in HL2. But since its limited, should just impact then explode after like 10-15 seconds. I did have something else, bit off topic, but it was a more heavy Frighter for Zoners, which could also be used by Civilians. Ill have to remake it, I lost it trying to do something and it blacked out on me.
Not sure what the point of a time delay missile is past vanity and vanity isn't enough to have a developer spend time implementing it (at least in my opinion). Zoner heavy fighter? Dunno, not to keen on giving the faction that has been given everything, anything else.
Why485 has already done and released delayed missiles to the modding community (years ago), so I think if the dev team wanted them they would have already used them.
This is different, this isn't every missile launcher, its a singal type which has requirements of using energy and confining it to certain factions. Also, the weapon would energy intencive, so the re-fire rate would be very low. Plus the fact that Disco and the mod your talking about arent compatable. Even if it was, it would probly make missiles useless. If it was put into Disco, it would add some new gameplay methods. As well as something plausible in such a universe. An actaul weapon, not some mod addon.
The Zoner Freighter Im workin on may need some work though. Something to smooth out the edges.
' Wrote:Could be a new weapon for Disco, but it would be expencive ingame and would only be found in a location where not every player can get their hands on.
If you want to prevent it from being deployed in masses - it.won't.work
For reference look at how battleship prices changed over the years, and at codename weaponry as well.
P.S. btw, didn't get the idea - you mean, basically, a time bomb that is being attached to a fighter if it hits?
And what tactical advantage/possible uses will it have, over what we have now?
' Wrote:And what tactical advantage/possible uses will it have, over what we have now?
Delayed damage lets you stack damage, since it cant be healed separately.
For example, in COD you can throw a grenade, then shoot the guy and hope the grenade goes off to stack damage on the target. An old MMORPG I used to play had explosion spell on a delay, and people would stack it with an energy spell--cast explosion then cast energy, and the stacked damage kills the target while he would have healed through either of them separately.
Another common variation is poison damage, or a bleed attack, something that prevents the target from healing.
You can set a delay for projectile motor activation to simulate a torpedo seperating from the ship, and only then going active... but any/all projectile impacts do instantaneous damage. For gun type projectiles that don't have a blast radius or tracking, the damage is applied on a shield/hull hit. For explosives, the server has to calculate wether an object is within the trigger range of the explosive, detonate the projectile, and then calculate how much damage (if any) nearby objects receive. The latter is CPU intensive, which is why we don't have rapid firing missile launchers (the Hellfire pod is actually a gun type weapon that does NOT do area damage).
A delayed blast explosion is not possible. Maybe, a projectile that selfdestructs upon activation is (potential for a nice short-term mine that goes KABOOM after a second) but not something that delays detonation after it's detonation trigger fired.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
I see your point. Maybe if Freelancer was made in a different engine, it might work. Only 3 come up when I think of this, Valve Source; Cryengine(Any of em from Crysis to Crysis 2), and the UT engine. Out of all 3, the Cryengine and the UT engine are the ones that would probly do better, I mean AFF mod was made with the UT engine and it looks badass ingame. The Cryengine however, would add some new features if programmed correctly, like docking at a station or world and able to walk on the station. Also could add actaul parts coming off of stations(invincible ones) and then slowly repair it. Something like that would definently get me to play that version.