****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
I direct your attention to this report that has crossed my desk. I understand that Liberty's relations with Kusari are not as rocky as they once were, but am I to understand that this type of lawless behavior is to be tolerated in Liberty? Of all places, this happened in Manhattan orbit in front of multiple witnesses. Quite an obvious disrespect for the law don't you think?
Another obvious disrespect for the law is the attempted murder of a Navy officer, as well as hauling in tonnes of Cardamine into Liberty. This happened earlier today with a Junker Salvager. So, do not sass me with "lawless behaviour" and "disrespect".
Now, obviously murder isn't tolerated within Liberty - I'm sure you're well aware of this by now.
I'll be sending a transmission to the suspect for his surrender to authorities.