as miss Julia Simmons, Secretary of Ambassador William M. Harding had recommended you as the person to address such a request, I form this letter in the short and most comprehensive form.
While being the citizen of the Republic of Liberty, I concur with those considering the current times to be the best to exchange splitted states for a single background of protecting common values. While I feel like falling in line with the Bretionian patriots, I'm not aware of possible red tape separating me and the ones like me from our goals.
I do assume that it's the best way to request all possible information about the options for my legal status as the citizen of foreign House serving the interests of the Crown, or the potential for obtaining a citizenship of the Kingdom or the multiple citizenship - as I'm not aware of what solution will reduce the bureaucratic barriers better.
Once I recieve the instructions into making my actions dependant on the actual needs of the Armed Forces, not the formal procedures and mechanics, I'll contact you again to provide the papers requested.
[24.04.13, 21:50:22] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): Cahoone and Ashfield, under a tree.
[24.04.13, 21:50:46] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): Here comes Cooper to make it a three.
[24.04.13, 21:51:03] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): (cool)