[color=#33CCFF]Comm ID: Riley Williams Location: Office of Internal Affairs and Human Resources, Floor 27, Canterbury Station, New London Subject: Anti-FloraGro project halted. Encryption Level: Medium
"To whom it may concern,
In regards to the transmission attached below, I felt it necessary to inform you that your requested product has been placed on hold for the time being. We are currently having internal re-construction, and at this time have put a halt to all on-going projects in order to ensure that our treasury doesn't go dry. I personally felt that it was necessary to inform whom it concerns about these changes. I will re-establish contact with the Colonial Republic's Relations Office once we're back on track.
Thank you for choosing Planetform Incorporated, the number one Terraforming Business in Sirius."
~ Riley Williams
Director of Internal Affairs and Human Resources of Planetform Incorporated
I am Liam Anders, currently overseeing the Republic's planet-side operations on Yuma, dubbed Project Demeter. Thank you for informing us of the situation regarding Planetform and its restructuring.
Our own research team has continued its work and has produced some results with more rudimentary methods. Nevertheless, whenever you and your company feel they are available to continue this research, we would appreciate being informed.
I wish you well in your other efforts.
Regards, Liam Anders
Demeter Base Camp, Planet Yuma