I was roving around on the internet a couple weeks back and I stumbled upon a video of a game I had not heard of before, something called Awesomenauts. This is the video I am referencing here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzhBEPsgQQw
I got it after researching the game a bit more and man it is so worth the 10 dollars I paid for it.
Awesomenauts (Ronimo Games) is basically a game that is a combination of Smash Brothers and DotA with this over the top 90s cartoon vibe. The game is focused on platforming and shooting and then your standard MOBA stuff like killing creeps, the jungle, and pushing towers.... but the game is really really slick, runs well, never had to wait more than 20 seconds to get matched with a team as well. The game is also more focused on skill and aim and less on who has the better stats and items so it is a nice change from the normal MOBA games.
Plus the characters are too fun, and just so... amusing. One guy, Sheriff Lonestar, is a cowboy who was genetically engineered by a race of space cows because they thought it would be a good idea to recreate the cowboys of earth legend...but it went horribly wrong and he started wrangling them all, so now he roams the stars as a mercenary... his two abilities are throwing sticks of dynamite and summoning the 'hyperbull', a holographic bull which stampedes over the other players and sends them flying across the screen :lol:
Seriously guys, the game is super cheap, really fun, easy to learn, and it has a ton of charm.