' Wrote:I'm pretty sure three ISD's can't carry that many fighters.
Assuming that random dust looking stuff was tiny fighters.
actually that is about accurate
It does depend a bit on the type of ISD, since the ISD 1 and ISD 2 are almost identical in design its hard to say but its 72 tie fighters per ISD mark 2 so 144 tie fighters from those. The other ship actually isnt an ISD. its an immobilizer interdictor cruiser which carries another 24 tie fighters total of 168 tie fighters.
an interdictor cruiser is meant to keep ships from jumping to hyperdrive by generating a gravity well similar to what a planet projects.
Quote:The X-Wings had no shields and the "rocket swarm" of the Tie-Bomber didn't match any "lore" or predecessing game.....
SFS M-s3 concussion missile launchers (2)
Standard load: 8 missiles each (often modified to hold 10 each)
also they probably do have shields its just irrelevant when you are shooting several shots or are using missiles (shields in star wars dont really give off a shield effect unless its personal shields or shields used in ships like in holding cells, Ala episode 1 just before the fight against darth maul)
also someone said female pilots, that is actually canon although it isnt common there were a females in the imperial navy (famous ones being Juno eclipse, Admiral Natasi Daala, Ysanne Isard, im probably missing a few)
Pretty cool. This little movie made me think that someone should make a mod for freelancer graphics that would look like Borderlands. The graphics of this cartoon looks just as it.