As long as you dont do what the Cartel do with there Funboats,, Im fine with it.. As in, chasing after a single liberator with 3-4 Gunboats with missiles. In fact, please target the LNS-Mark.Bosworth for me. And whats this flagship, Outcast Baddaship? Also, don't assume all indies are LOLcappers, some of them actually have good RP.
And Kindred, I think I know what carrier your talking about. The LNS (name for northern lights/someones personal energy field)
' Wrote:This thread is so stupid that a bird sitting on a nearby tree just EXPLODED.
do what you want with the indie capitol ships aslong as said " hammering down hard" dosent ruin my RP i have for the LSCA Ft Louisbourg
because in all truth if factions force me to lose my capitol ship i want a ful lrefund for her becauese it wil lkil lmy time oin the server i CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES fly fighters in battles more than 6 people total do to framerate issues (yet other mods it runs fine)
i hardly ever fight in my cap i use it mainly so i can roleplay without getting insta snacked by a lolbomber or a 2millrdai pirate that traxes you while blowing your ship up around you at the same time
as i forgot to add i try my best to control the indied but sense the mod came out and the admins said indies cant be bossed around unless there oorp whatever weight i had with them as an indie vanished
Ugh. Don't people look at the dates when they read? And where did my post go?
The contents of this thread are no longer relevant to the LR-
This thread is a year old and we do not use capital ships. If you ever see a Liberty Rogue Gunboat or Dessie then you know you've done something really bad to piss us off...