The official headquarters of DTJ incorporated, Also known as [DTJ]-
DTJ Incorporated run DTJ Depot as a storage depot/workshop for many of the trade/build/salvage operations undertaken by [DTJ]- Members
DTJ will often come across rare/expensive items to trade with the general public
Our company ethos is one of peace, and our trade reputation will always be as neutral as we can make it.
//We run supply and salvage for several NPC factions, so several IDs are used, all legal of course, Hence the unofficial nature of the [DTJ] faction
Fancy working for DTJ?
Applications are currently only being accepted on a personal basis //people we know IRL
We'll let you know if this changes
This base has been a joy to build and maintain for [DTJ]
We hope to always provide a service with a smile (as long as you like smiles)
The general public will be kept abreast of any new developments or news here //in this thread
Quote://We run supply and salvage for several NPC factions, so several IDs are used, all legal of course, Hence the unofficial nature of the [DTJ] faction
If you work for several different NPC factions, couldn't you be considered Freelancers, and just switch to the freelancer ID?
Hello respectable gentleman from DTJ on behalf of freeport 101 zoners omega 9. I have heard a rumors about your whereabouts from earlier , but i thought your depot ceased to exist. However its location is very good for band of omega enterprising zoners as we are.
Are you willing to import cobalt ore and by zour own tranport ressel nearby at colorado ? we can bring a tons of it in our barge and dont need to go to liberty to rehaul , just dump in your base and you do the rest .